Understanding Constants in C++

Constants in C++ are similar to variables in that they have names, occupy storage, and usually have a type. However, unlike variables, the value of a constant cannot change once it has been declared. This makes constants a crucial tool in programming, ensuring that certain values remain unchanged throughout the execution of a program.

Why Use Constants in C++?

Using constants in a program enhances clarity, maintainability, and reliability. Consider an example where the number of months in a year is used multiple times in a program. If we simply use the number 12 everywhere, it might not be clear to other programmers what 12 represents. Instead, defining a constant like const int months_in_a_year = 12; provides a meaningful name, making the code more readable and preventing accidental modification.

Types of Constants in C++

C++ provides multiple ways to create constants, including:

  • Literal Constants

  • Declared Constants

  • Constant Expressions

  • Enumerated Constants

  • Defined Constants

In this article, we will focus on literal constants and declared constants.

Literal Constants

Literal constants are fixed values used directly in code. They can be of different types, including:

  • Integer literals (12, 1000, -5)

  • Floating-point literals (1.56, 3.14)

  • Character literals ('A', 'J')

  • String literals ("Hello World")

Literals can have explicit type indicators. For example:

  • U or u for unsigned integers

  • L or l for long integers

  • F or f for float values

  • L for long double values

Escape Sequences in Character Literals

C++ also allows character literals with special escape sequences, such as:

  • \n (new line)

  • \t (tab)

  • \\ (backslash)

  • \" (double quote)

These escape codes are often used in string literals and output statements, helping to format console output.

Declared Constants (Using const Keyword)

The most common way to declare constants in C++ is by using the const keyword. The syntax is similar to variable declaration but with const at the beginning:

const int age = 21;

This ensures that age remains fixed at 21 and any attempt to modify it will result in a compiler error. Declared constants must be initialized at the time of declaration, or the compiler will produce an "uninitialized const" error.

Defined Constants (Using #define)

Before modern C++, constants were often defined using the preprocessor directive #define. For example:

#define PI 3.1415926

This tells the preprocessor to replace every occurrence of PI with 3.1415926. However, #define does not perform type checking, which can lead to subtle errors. Therefore, modern C++ discourages using #define for constants, recommending const instead.


Constants in C++ provide an effective way to define fixed values that improve code clarity and prevent unintended modifications. Literal constants are used directly in code, while declared constants with const ensure safe, type-checked, and immutable values. Avoid using #define for constants in modern C++ programming to prevent type-related errors.

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Written by

Tomas Svojanovsky
Tomas Svojanovsky

I'm a full-stack developer. Programming isn't just my job but also my hobby. I like developing seamless user experiences and working on server-side complexities