Objects in the javascript: for beginner to expert level

2 min read

Definition: Objects are the collection of key, value pair

let me explain by taking a example let see we stire the pronoun with the noun

Name: “hackthic”

work: “programming”

i don’t know if you get it or not but I hope you get it;

let's take the programming example;

const object1{
name: "hackthic",
work: "programming"
gender: "male" //of course
islearning: true
//output: hackthic

Note: key is always in string and the value can be any datatype. if we want to access the the value of object then we have to write the name of object and then add dot(.) then the key name. // object_name.key

Method in Javascript

object contains a function inside called a method.


const car{
brand: "nano",
startEngine: function(){
console.log("engine started")
isGood: true
car.startEngine(); //output: engine started

“This” keyword in object

it refer to the current object

const user{
name: "hackthic",
console.log(`namaste ${this.name} chalo chai pi ke aye`)

Prototype and classes in javascript

object inherited properties/methods from prototypes. classes are blueprint of the object.

class Dog{
console.log(`${this.name} say woo!`};
const myDog = new Dog('rex');

this is what i learn in beginning and if you are want to learn more about the object the see the “chai aur code javascript playlist” and “Namaste javascript by Akshay saini”

if I make some mistake then please correct me in the comment. guys i know my grammar not much good so please suggest me some content.

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