
3 min read

Immutability is a cool concept in programming that C++ questions with "why?" It means that once you create a variable or object, you can't change its state. This idea somewhat opposes object-oriented concepts, yet it's crucial for writing clean, maintainable, and concurrency-friendly code. An immutable data structure can't be changed directly—any operation that seems to change it actually creates a new object or structure with the updated value, leaving the original unchanged. Different programming languages like Rust, C++, and Java have their own methods for handling immutability.

Immutability in Rust

In Rust, immutability is a core feature and is enforced by the language's ownership and borrowing system. Variables are immutable by default. Once a value is assigned to a variable, it cannot be changed unless explicitly declared as mutable.

let x = 5; // x is immutable
// x = 6; // This would cause a compile-time error
let mut y = 10; // y is mutable
y = 20; // This is allowed

Rust's immutability ensures thread safety and prevents data races. Immutable data can be shared across threads without the risk of concurrent modification. Rust's borrow checker enforces rules around mutable and immutable references to ensure memory safety.

Rust’s borrowing system ensures memory safety:

  • Any number of immutable references (&T) to a resource is allowed simultaneously.

  • You can have either a single mutable reference (&mut T) or any number of immutable references, but not both at the same time.

If you have a struct instance that is immutable, then its fields are also immutable—you can't change them.

struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,
let p = Point { x: 1, y: 2 }; // p is immutable
// p.x = 3; // This would cause a compile-time error

Immutability in C++

C++ does not enforce immutability by default, but it provides tools to achieve it. Variables are mutable unless explicitly marked as const. The const keyword is used to declare immutable variables or pointers.

const int x = 5; // x is immutable
// x = 6; // This would cause a compile-time error

In C++, you can mark member functions as const to indicate that they do not modify the object's state.

class Point {
    int getX() const { return x; } // This function does not modify the object
    int x;

Immutability in Java

Java provides immutability through the final keyword and immutable classes. The final keyword is used to declare immutable variables, methods, or classes.

final int x = 5; // x is immutable
// x = 6; // This would cause a compile-time error

In Java, immutable classes are created by making all fields final and not providing setters.

public final class Point {
    private final int x;
    private final int y;
    public Point(int x, int y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
    public int getX() { return x; }
    public int getY() { return y; }

Embrace immutability where you can, and you’ll find your code more predictable, maintainable, and (in many cases) faster or easier to optimize.

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I am Quantitative Developer, Rust enthusiast and passionate about Algo Trading.