Lets Explore Internet

Mohd FaizanMohd Faizan
2 min read

What Exactly is the Internet? Understanding the Basics Before Exploring Its Impact.

What is Internet?

It Stands for Interconnected network. Which means internet is collection of multiple connected computers that helps people to connect and communicate with each others simultaneously such that they can exchange information with peoples.

Now that we understand what the Internet is, the question arises: how does it work?

Before diving into how Internet works, we need to get familiar with some technical terms.

  • Clients: Any Device that request something is a client. A client can act as server for another client(Device).

  • Server: Any Device that fulfill request is Server.

  • Browser: Example- Chrome, Safari, Firefox etc

  • URL: It stands for Uniform Resource Locator.

  • URI: Uniform Resource Identifier.

  • DNS: Domain Name System

  • IP Address: It stands for Internet Protocol Address.

  • Request: A Client-initiated message Seeking data or action from a server.

  • Response: The server’s reply providing the result or acknowledgment.

  • Status code: It is number or alphanumeric code that indicates a problem or error in a program, System or device. Example 404,402,401,500 etc

  • Protocols: Set of rules that govern how data is exchanged between devices on a network

These are some terms only there are many more it will help us to understand how internet works.

Client Server Architecture

In simple terms internet works on Client Server Architecture. In client server architecture any Device which requests anything is a Client and Device that serves requests is Server.

How Internet works: A visual Representation

Lets Assume user wants to visit www.Chaicode.com user types www.Chaicode.com in browser first Request goes to ISP(Internet Service Provider) ,ISP looks for www.Chaicode.com address in its cache if address found in cache then it will return to client if address not found in ISP’s cache then request goes to DNS(Domain name system) , DNS gives address for Root Name Server Root name server gives address of TLD Name Server ,TLD Name server gives address of Authoritative Name Server , Authoritative name server gives the actual IP Address of requested Resource Here we are requesting for www.Chaicode.com.

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Written by

Mohd Faizan
Mohd Faizan