Implementing CI/CD with Azure DevOps: Azure Artifacts and Release Pipelines

This document provides a step-by-step guide on setting up a CI/CD pipeline using Azure Artifacts and Azure DevOps. The project involves deploying a sample Nike landing page using Tailwind CSS.
Key Points
Introduction to Azure Artifacts:
Azure Artifacts is a central repository for storing and consuming packages.
Benefits include maintaining history, auditing, and consuming packages across multiple pipelines and projects.
Setting Up the Project:
Create a new Azure DevOps project.
Import the sample project repository from GitHub.
Creating Azure Resources:
Create an Azure Web App service.
Configure application settings to refresh the cache after deployments.
CI Pipeline Configuration:
Create a CI pipeline in YAML.
Install dependencies and build the project using Tailwind CSS.
Publish the package to Azure Artifacts.
Managing Permissions:
- Ensure the build service account has contributor access to the Azure Artifacts feed.
Creating a Release Pipeline:
Set up a release pipeline to deploy the package from Azure Artifacts to the Azure Web App.
Enable triggers for package promotion.
Deployment and Verification:
Deploy the application and verify the deployment by accessing the web app.
Use Azure portal tools for troubleshooting and log analysis.
Tools and Technologies Used
Azure DevOps: For CI/CD pipeline setup and project management.
Azure Artifacts: For package management and storage.
Azure Web App: For hosting the deployed application.
Tailwind CSS: For building the project.
GitHub: For source code repository.
Kudu Console: For interacting with the web app's underlying host operating system.
Before diving into this project, here are some skills and tools you should be familiar with:
Need to create a Personal Access Token (PAT)-
[x] Terraform code
Note: Replace resource names and variables as per your requirement in terraform code
- Update
- Update
[x] Azure Account: You’ll need an Azure account to create resources like virtual Machine, and AKS clusters, and manage pipelines.
[x] Terraform Knowledge: Familiarity with Terraform in provisioning, managing, and cleaning up infrastructure.
[x] GitHub: Experience with GitHub for version control and managing repositories.
[x] Command-Line Tools: Basic comfort with using the command line for managing infrastructure and services.
[x] Basic CI/CD Knowledge: Some understanding of Continuous Integration and Deployment is recommended.
[x] Linux VM: Docker must be installed on a Linux virtual machine to run containers.
Setting Up Infrastructure
I have created a Terraform code to set up the entire infrastructure, including the installation of required applications and tools.
⇒ Virtual machines will be created named as
⇒ Docker Install
⇒ Azure Cli Install
Virtual Machine creation
First, we'll create the necessary virtual machines using terraform
Below is a terraform Code:
Once you clone repo and run the terraform command.
$ ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089 261 Feb 10 11:10
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089 437 Feb 10 10:48
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089 920 Feb 10 10:52
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089 528 Jan 8 15:25
drwxr-xr-x 1 bsingh 1049089 0 Feb 7 18:08 scripts/
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089 6261 Feb 10 09:45
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089 274 Jan 8 13:28
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089 1871 Feb 10 11:06 terraform.tfvars
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089 2847 Feb 10 10:52
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089 682 Feb 10 09:34
You need to run the following terraform command.
terraform init
terraform fmt
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform apply
# Optional <terraform apply --auto-approve>
- Terraform Output:
Once you run the terraform command, then we will verify the following things to make sure everything is setup via a terraform.
Inspect the Cloud-Init
Once connected to VM then you can check the status of the user_data
script by inspecting the log files
# Primary log file for cloud-init
sudo tail -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
sudo cat /var/log/cloud-init-output.log | more
If the user_data script runs successfully, you will see output logs and any errors encountered during execution.
If there’s an error, this log will provide clues about what failed.
Verify software Installation
- [x] Docker version
azureuser@devopsdemovm:~$ docker --version
Docker version 24.0.7, build 24.0.7-0ubuntu4.1
docker ps -a
azureuser@devopsdemovm:~$ docker ps
azureuser@devopsdemovm:~$ docker image ls
mc1arke/sonarqube-with-community-branch-plugin latest 307499b84ff2 13 days ago 1.13GB
azureuser@devopsdemovm:~$ docker container ls
973939f2cdc7 mc1arke/sonarqube-with-community-branch-plugin "/opt/sonarqube/dock…" 41 minutes ago Up 41 minutes>9000/tcp, :::9000->9000/tcp sonar
- [x] Azure CLI version
azureuser@devopsdemovm:~$ az version
"azure-cli": "2.67.0",
"azure-cli-core": "2.67.0",
"azure-cli-telemetry": "1.1.0",
"extensions": {}
- [x] Java Version
azureuser@devopsdemovm:~$ java --version
openjdk 17.0.13 2024-10-15
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.13+11-Ubuntu-2ubuntu122.04)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.13+11-Ubuntu-2ubuntu122.04, mixed mode, sharing)
- [x] Trivy Version
azureuser@devopsdemovm:~$ trivy --version
Version: 0.58.1
- [x] Maven Version
azureuser@devopsdemovm:~$ mvn -version
Apache Maven 3.6.3
Maven home: /usr/share/maven
Java version: 17.0.13, vendor: Ubuntu, runtime: /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64
Default locale: en, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "6.5.0-1025-azure", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
Step-by-Step Process:
Verify application accessibility
Configure Web App
I tried to open in the browser and got the below page it is because of by default azure cache is enabled and we have to disable it.
Go to Web App and add the following settings.
Value: 0
Value: never
Value: never
Restart the webapp application.
Verify default Application accessible or not.
Default App is accessible.
Verify Project Status
Select the Organization> verify project is created or not.
Verify Repo Status
select the project and verify repo is imported or not.
Configure Service Connection
First create Service Connection in Azure Devops.
Once you create a connection then note it down the connection Name, because that name would be used in pipeline.
On agent machine, make sure login with azure login and connection is active, if not then login with following.
az login --use-device-code
Need to Create a service Connection in pipeline first.
Pipeline> Service Connections>Create Service Connection> select "Azure Service Connection"
Configure Self-hosted Linux Agent.
Need to configure Self-hosted Linux agents/integrate to Azure DevOps
Take a putty session of the virtual machine and follow the below procedure to configure the self-hosted agent in the pipeline.
cd myagent
azureuser@devopsdemovm:~/myagent$ ls -l
total 144072
drwxrwxr-x 26 azureuser azureuser 20480 Nov 13 10:54 bin
-rwxrwxr-x 1 azureuser azureuser 3173 Nov 13 10:45
-rwxrwxr-x 1 azureuser azureuser 726 Nov 13 10:45
drwxrwxr-x 7 azureuser azureuser 4096 Nov 13 10:46 externals
-rw-rw-r-- 1 azureuser azureuser 9465 Nov 13 10:45 license.html
-rw-rw-r-- 1 azureuser azureuser 3170 Nov 13 10:45
-rw-rw-r-- 1 azureuser azureuser 2753 Nov 13 10:45
-rwxrwxr-x 1 azureuser azureuser 2014 Nov 13 10:45
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 147471638 Nov 13 12:22 vsts-agent-linux-x64-4.248.0.tar.gz
Update the ./ Command:
**project: Nike-Website**: Specifies the project name for scoping.
**pool: nike-website-pool**: Links the agent to the specific project-level pool.
# Configuration of the self-hosted agent
cd myagent
./ --unattended --url<OrganizationName> --auth pat --token <Tocken_value> --pool <nike-website-pool> --agent aksagent --acceptTeeEula
# Start the agent service
sudo ./ install
sudo ./ start
Steps to Configure the Agent for Project Context:
Log in to the Azure DevOps portal.
Agent Pool is already create at the Project Level:
Navigate to your organization (<Organization_name>).
Open the Nike-Website project.
Go to Project Settings > Agent Pools.
Pool to link existing one.
Verify the Agent Registration in DevOps Portal:
After running the command, the agent should be registered in the nike-website-pool.
Select the Organization> Organization setting> Pipeline> Agent Pools
Go to Nike-Website > Project Settings > Agent Pools to confirm the agent is listed and active.
Set Permission for Azure Artifact.
To add the permission
Add the following permission to make it a working pipeline.
Configure CI Pipeline.
- Configure Build pipeline.
Build and install npm
- stage: Build
- job: Build
- task: Npm@1
command: 'custom'
customCommand: 'install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer'
- task: Npm@1
command: 'custom'
customCommand: 'run build'
To add a stage to publish the artifact.
- task: Npm@1
command: 'publish'
workingDir: './dist'
publishRegistry: 'useFeed'
publishFeed: 'c420a86b-fd1f-4e29-90eb-17d488d300b6/d00f33c5-ab18-4698-8ce1-39601d6af518'
Run the pipeline and it works.
Validate the package in Artifact
Configure CD Pipeline.
Release Pipeline
Rename the stage
Add the artifact
Configure stage for Deployment
Add service principal in deployment
Select the
custom agent pool
in pipeline.location for
Package or folder
Runtime stack & Deployment Script | Inline Script:
cp -rf /home/site/wwwroot/package/* /home/site/wwwroot/
click save.
Enable the trigger for auto-deployment
CD Pipeline Status.
Application Accessibility
Congratulations :-) the application is working and accessible.🔥
- if you face any issues then go to the web app and check the logs.
Environment Cleanup:
As we are using Terraform, we will use the following command to delete
run the terraform command.
Terraform destroy --auto-approve
This guide shows how to set up a CI/CD pipeline using Azure DevOps and Azure Artifacts. By following these steps, you can effectively manage and deploy applications with better control over package management and deployment processes. Remember to clean up resources after deployment to avoid extra charges..
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Written by

Balraj Singh
Balraj Singh
Tech enthusiast with 15 years of experience in IT, specializing in server management, VMware, AWS, Azure, and automation. Passionate about DevOps, cloud, and modern infrastructure tools like Terraform, Ansible, Packer, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, and Azure DevOps. Passionate about technology and continuous learning, I enjoy sharing my knowledge and insights through blogging and real-world experiences to help the tech community grow!