Web Components: Reusable Building Blocks for the Modern Web

Opeyemi OjoOpeyemi Ojo
13 min read


Hey everyone! If you're diving into the world of web development, you've probably heard the buzz around "Web Components." They're a powerful set of web standards that let you create reusable, custom HTML elements. Think of them like LEGO bricks for your web pages – you define them once, and then use them as many times as you need, across different projects. This guide is designed to break down Web Components in a simple, easy-to-understand way, even if you're just starting out.

Why Web Components? The Problems They Solve

Before Web Components, building reusable UI elements could be tricky. You might have relied on JavaScript frameworks or libraries (like React, Angular, or Vue), which are great, but sometimes introduce a layer of complexity, especially for smaller projects or when you just need a few specific, reusable components.

Web Components address several key challenges:

  • Reusability: Create an element once and use it everywhere, avoiding repetitive code.

  • Encapsulation: The styling and behavior of a component are contained within itself. This prevents conflicts with other parts of your website's CSS or JavaScript. No more global CSS chaos!

  • Interoperability: Web Components are built on web standards. This means they work natively in all modern browsers without requiring external libraries or frameworks. You can even use them within frameworks like React or Angular!

  • Maintainability: Since components are self-contained, they're easier to update and debug. Changes to one component won't accidentally break others.

The Core Technologies: The Building Blocks of Web Components

Web Components aren't a single, monolithic thing. They're a collection of four main web standards that work together:

  1. Custom Elements: This is the foundation. It allows you to define your own HTML tags (like <my-custom-button> or <product-card>).

  2. Shadow DOM: This is where the encapsulation magic happens. The Shadow DOM creates a separate, hidden DOM tree attached to your custom element. Styles and scripts inside the Shadow DOM don't affect the rest of the page, and vice-versa. It's like a little bubble around your component's internals.

  3. HTML Templates (<template> and <slot>): These elements let you define reusable chunks of HTML that can be cloned and inserted into your custom element. template holds the structure, and slot acts as a placeholder where you can insert content from outside the component.

  4. ES Modules: Web components are usually distributed and used through ES modules, providing an efficient mechanism to include and use them across multiple files and projects.

Let's look at each of these in more detail with code examples.

1. Custom Elements

You define a custom element using JavaScript, extending the HTMLElement class. Here's the basic structure:

class MyCustomElement extends HTMLElement {
    constructor() {
        super(); // Always call super() first in the constructor
        // Initialize your component here (e.g., set up event listeners)

    connectedCallback() {
        // Called when the element is added to the DOM
        // This is where you typically render the element's content.
        this.innerHTML = `<h1>Hello from My Custom Element!</h1>`;

    disconnectedCallback() {
        // Called when the element is removed from the DOM
        // (Optional) Clean up resources, remove event listeners, etc.

    attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
        // Called when an observed attribute changes
        // (Optional) Update the component based on attribute changes.
        if (name === 'message') {
            this.querySelector('h1').textContent = newValue;

    static get observedAttributes() {
        // Specify which attributes to watch for changes
        return ['message'];

// Define the custom element.  This associates the tag name with your class.
customElements.define('my-custom-element', MyCustomElement);


  • class MyCustomElement extends HTMLElement: We create a JavaScript class that inherits from HTMLElement. This gives our class all the standard properties and methods of an HTML element.

  • constructor(): The constructor is called when a new instance of your element is created. super() must be called first to initialize the base HTMLElement.

  • connectedCallback(): This "lifecycle callback" is crucial. It's called when your element is actually inserted into the document's DOM. This is where you'll usually add the initial HTML content to your element.

  • disconnectedCallback(): Called when your component is removed from the document. Use this for cleanup.

  • attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue): This callback is triggered when an attribute that you've listed in observedAttributes changes. You can use this to react to attribute updates and update your component accordingly.

  • static get observedAttributes(): This static method returns an array of attribute names that the component should watch for changes.

  • customElements.define('my-custom-element', MyCustomElement);: This is the key line! It registers your custom element with the browser. Now, you can use the <my-custom-element> tag in your HTML.

Using the Custom Element:

<my-custom-element message="Updated Message"></my-custom-element>

2. Shadow DOM

The Shadow DOM creates an encapsulated DOM tree for your component.

class MyShadowElement extends HTMLElement {
    constructor() {
        // Create a shadow root
        this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); // 'open' or 'closed'
        // 'open' allows access to the shadow DOM from outside (for testing, etc.)
        // 'closed' prevents external access.

        // Add content to the shadow DOM
        this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `
                h1 {
                    color: blue;
            <h1>Hello from the Shadow DOM!</h1>
customElements.define('my-shadow-element', MyShadowElement);
<h1>Hello from the main DOM</h1>


  • this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });: This creates the Shadow DOM and attaches it to your custom element. mode: 'open' makes the shadow root accessible from JavaScript outside the component (e.g., for testing). mode: 'closed' prevents external access.

  • this.shadowRoot: This property now refers to the root of your Shadow DOM. You add content to it just like you would with the regular DOM.

  • <style> within Shadow DOM: Styles defined within the Shadow DOM only apply to elements within the Shadow DOM. They won't "leak" out and affect the rest of the page. Similarly, styles from the main page won't affect the Shadow DOM unless you specifically use CSS Shadow Parts (more advanced).

In the example above, "Hello from the Shadow DOM" will be blue, and "Hello from Main DOM" will use the default styles, proving that the styles inside the shadow dom are encapsulated.

3. HTML Templates (<template> and <slot>)

Templates help you define reusable HTML structures, and slots allow you to inject content from outside the component.

class MyTemplateElement extends HTMLElement {
    constructor() {
        this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });

        const template = document.createElement('template');
        template.innerHTML = `
                .container {
                    border: 1px solid black;
                    padding: 10px;
            <div class="container">
                <h2><slot name="title">Default Title</slot></h2>
                <p><slot name="content">Default Content</slot></p>

customElements.define('my-template-element', MyTemplateElement);
    <span slot="title">My Custom Title</span>
    <span slot="content">This is my custom content!</span>



  • <template>: The template element itself isn't rendered directly. It's a container for HTML that you can clone.

  • template.content.cloneNode(true): This creates a copy of the template's contents (including all child nodes - that's what true means). You then append this copy to the Shadow DOM.

  • <slot>: Slots are placeholders. The name attribute gives them a unique identifier.

  • slot="title" and slot="content" (in the HTML): These attributes tell the browser to insert the corresponding <span> elements into the slots with the matching names.

  • Default Content: If no content is provided for a slot (like in the second <my-template-element>), the default content within the <slot> tag itself is used.

4. ES Modules ES Modules offer a standardized way to organize and share JavaScript code, enhancing the reusability and maintainability of web components.

// my-element.js
export class MyElement extends HTMLElement { ... }
customElements.define('my-element', MyElement);

// main.js
import { MyElement } from './my-element.js';
// MyElement is now available to be used in this file


  • Export: In my-element.js, the export keyword makes MyElement available to other modules.

  • Import: In main.js, import { MyElement } from './my-element.js'; imports MyElement for use in this file.

Putting It All Together: A Practical Example - A Counter Component

Let's build a simple counter component that demonstrates all these concepts:

// counter-component.js
class CounterComponent extends HTMLElement {
    constructor() {
        this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
        this._count = 0; // Internal state

        const template = document.createElement('template');
        template.innerHTML = `
                button {
                    padding: 5px 10px;
                    font-size: 16px;
            <button id="decrement">-</button>
            <button id="increment">+</button>

        // Event listeners (within the Shadow DOM!)
        this.shadowRoot.getElementById('decrement').addEventListener('click', () => this.decrement());
        this.shadowRoot.getElementById('increment').addEventListener('click', () => this.increment());

    increment() {

    decrement() {

    updateCount() {
        this.shadowRoot.querySelector('span').textContent = this._count;
        // Dispatch a custom event
        this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('count-changed', {
             detail: { count: this._count },
             bubbles: true, // Allow the event to bubble up
             composed: true // Allow the event to cross the shadow DOM boundary

    static get observedAttributes() {
        return ['initial-count'];

    attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue){
        if (name === 'initial-count'){
            this._count = parseInt(newValue, 10) || 0;

customElements.define('counter-component', CounterComponent);
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Web Component Example</title>
    <script type="module" src="counter-component.js"></script>
    <counter-component initial-count = "5"></counter-component>

        document.addEventListener('count-changed', (event) => {
            console.log('Count changed:', event.detail.count);


  • Internal State (_count): We store the counter value as a private property (using the _ prefix is a convention).

  • Event Listeners: The event listeners for the buttons are added within the Shadow DOM. This keeps the component's logic encapsulated.

  • updateCount(): This method updates the displayed count and dispatches a custom event.

  • Custom Event (count-changed): This event lets other parts of your application know when the counter changes. bubbles: true allows the event to bubble up through the DOM, and composed: true allows it to cross the Shadow DOM boundary.

  • attributeChangedCallback and observedAttributes: initial-count attribute is observed. When set, the value is reflected in the web-component.

Key Considerations and Best Practices

  • Naming: Custom element names must contain a hyphen (-). This prevents conflicts with standard HTML elements.

  • Accessibility: Make sure your components are accessible (using ARIA attributes if needed).

  • Testing: Test your components thoroughly! Tools like Jest, Mocha, or Karma can be used to test Web Components.

  • Styling: While Shadow DOM provides encapsulation, for more advanced styling scenarios, consider using CSS Custom Properties (variables) or CSS Shadow Parts (::part).

  • Error Handling: Wrap potentially error-prone operations in try...catch blocks to prevent component failures from crashing the entire application.

Web Components vs. Frameworks/Libraries (React, Angular, Vue)

A common question that arises when learning about Web Components is: "How do they compare to frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue?" It's not an "either/or" situation; they can actually complement each other! Let's break down the key differences and relationships:

1. Purpose and Scope:

  • Web Components: Focus on creating individual, reusable custom HTML elements. They're lower-level than frameworks. You're building the building blocks themselves.

  • React, Angular, Vue: These are frameworks/libraries for building entire user interfaces and applications. They provide tools for managing application state, routing, data binding, and more. They often use components (their own kind), but they provide a much broader ecosystem.

2. Level of Abstraction:

  • Web Components: Closer to the "metal" of the web platform (the DOM). More control, but you might write more code for complex interactions.

  • Frameworks/Libraries: Higher-level abstractions. They handle a lot of the DOM manipulation and state management for you, often leading to faster development for large applications.

3. Dependency Management:

  • Web Components: No external dependencies required! They work directly in the browser.

  • Frameworks/Libraries: You need to include the framework/library code (which can add to your project's size).

4. Learning Curve:

  • Web Components: Relatively straightforward to learn the core concepts (Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, Templates). The complexity comes when building very intricate interactions.

  • React: Moderate learning curve. JSX (JavaScript XML) and the component lifecycle can take some getting used to.

  • Angular: Steeper learning curve due to its comprehensive nature (TypeScript, dependency injection, RxJS).

  • Vue: Generally considered to have the gentlest learning curve, with a progressive approach.

5. Data Binding:

  • Web Components: You handle data binding manually using JavaScript (event listeners, attribute updates, custom events).

  • React: One-way data binding (data flows down from parent to child). You manage state and update the UI explicitly.

  • Angular: Two-way data binding (changes in the UI update the model, and vice versa).

  • Vue: Offers both one-way and two-way data binding (using v-model).

6. Tooling and Ecosystem:

  • Web components: Relies on standard web tooling.

  • React, Angular, Vue: Each has a rich ecosystem of tools, libraries, and community support (e.g., React Router, Vuex, Angular Material).

7. Interoperability

  • Web components: Web components can be integrated within applications built using React, Angular, or Vue. This is particularly useful for sharing UI elements across projects that might use different frameworks.

  • React, Angular, Vue: They are not directly interoperable but are designed for building complete applications, each ecosystem encourages staying within its own framework for consistency and optimization.

Can You Use Them Together? Absolutely!

A key strength of Web Components is their interoperability. You can:

  • Use Web Components within React/Angular/Vue applications: This is great for creating reusable UI elements that you might want to use across multiple projects, even if those projects use different frameworks.

  • Use React/Angular/Vue within Web Components: Less common, but you could potentially embed a small, self-contained React or Vue app within a Web Component (though this might defeat some of the benefits of Web Components). It's generally better to use Web Components within the framework, not the other way around.

Example of using a Web Component within React:

// React component (App.jsx)
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import './counter-component.js'; // Import the Web Component (assuming it's in the same directory)

function App() {
  const counterRef = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    const counter = counterRef.current;
    const handleCountChange = (event) => {
      console.log('Count changed in React:', event.detail.count);

    // Add an event listener to the Web Component
    counter.addEventListener('count-changed', handleCountChange);

    // Clean up the event listener when the component unmounts
    return () => {
      counter.removeEventListener('count-changed', handleCountChange);
  }, []);

  return (
      <h1>React App with Web Component</h1>
      <counter-component ref={counterRef} initial-count="10"></counter-component>

export default App;

This demonstrates how a web component (counter-component), created in a separate .js file is being seamlessly integrated within a react app.

Pros and Cons of Web Components

Now, let's summarize the pros and cons of using Web Components:


  • Reusability: Write once, use everywhere (different projects, different frameworks).

  • Encapsulation: Shadow DOM protects your component's styles and scripts.

  • Interoperability: Works natively in modern browsers; compatible with frameworks.

  • Standards-Based: Built on web standards, ensuring long-term support and compatibility.

  • No External Dependencies: Reduces project size and complexity.

  • Maintainability: Self-contained components are easier to update and debug.

  • Performance: Can be very performant, especially for simpler components, as they leverage the browser's native capabilities.

  • Framework-agnostic Development: Ideal for teams working across various projects with different tech stacks, ensuring UI consistency.


  • Manual Data Binding: Requires more manual JavaScript for complex data interactions compared to frameworks.

  • Tooling Ecosystem: While growing, the ecosystem is not as mature as those of established frameworks.

  • Learning Curve (for advanced features): Mastering Shadow DOM styling and advanced component composition can take time.

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Requires additional setup and considerations for SSR, unlike some frameworks that have built-in solutions.

  • Not Ideal for Complex Applications (alone): While excellent for individual components, building a full application with only Web Components might become cumbersome compared to using a framework.

  • Browser Support: Requires polyfills for older browsers that do not fully support Web Components standards.

When to Choose Web Components:

  • You need truly reusable UI elements across multiple projects.

  • You want to avoid framework lock-in.

  • You're building a design system or component library.

  • You need high performance for specific UI elements.

  • You want to leverage web standards and ensure future compatibility.

When to Choose a Framework/Library (React, Angular, Vue):

  • You're building a large, complex application with lots of state management and routing.

  • You need a mature ecosystem and readily available tooling.

  • You prefer a higher-level abstraction and faster development velocity for complex UIs.

  • You need built-in features like two-way data binding or SSR.

  • You're working within a team that already has expertise in a particular framework.


Web Components are a fantastic way to build reusable, maintainable, and interoperable UI elements. They leverage web standards, making them a future-proof and powerful tool in your web development arsenal. Start small, experiment, and you'll be building your own component libraries in no time!

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Written by

Opeyemi Ojo
Opeyemi Ojo