I got scammed on Twitter: here's how

Bear LiuBear Liu
3 min read

I just survived a scam. The damage was small, but the whole thing was wild. I need to share it, so you know what to look out for.

For the context, I’m pretty tech-savvy. I’ve been around social media for years and can spot most scams from a mile away. But this one still got me.

It started with a DM on Twitter. A person named “TorresCampbell8” claimed to be a reporter from TechCrunch, covering AI and tech. He wanted my perspective and asked to schedule a call. That didn’t sound odd. I’ve done similar interviews before, so I checked his profile. It looked legit—he’d been posting or reposting TechCrunch-like articles since last year, and his Twitter account said it was created in 2012. The only tiny red flag was the handle “TorresCampbell8,” but I shrugged it off.

He sent me a Calendly link to book a call via Twitter DM. I clicked. It seemed normal. I got a confirmation email with no Zoom or meeting link, but I figured he’d message one later. Then I went to sleep.

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Next morning, I woke up and saw strange comments on one of my Twitter posts—people calling me a scammer. At first, I thought it was just trolls. Then a friend messaged me on WeChat with a screenshot of a tweet from my account pushing a crypto “opportunity.” It even had a contract address. My profile had been changed to say I was the founder of some crypto project. But by the time I checked Twitter, the tweet was gone. Posted overnight while I was asleep, then deleted before I woke up.

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I tried to reach out to “Torres,” but he was gone. Blocked me. Ignored my messages. So I dug into Twitter’s settings. I checked “Security and account access” and saw Calendly had permission to read and write tweets. That was it: while I slept, someone likely used that authorization to post a scam tweet.

Looks like they targeted my account because it has a decent following. Scammers posted a “meme coin” link, hoping quick-buck crypto enthusiasts would jump in. And they did. Then the scammer deleted the tweet, so I wouldn’t notice. According to a friend who tracked the contract address, around 100 people fell for it, losing a few thousand dollars in total. Awful.

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Everyone got hurt here. I’m a victim. The people who bought that fake coin are victims. Even the media outlet’s reputation got dragged into this. All because these scammers keep evolving.

Then I did a quick search and found a post from a real TechCrunch reporter - Mary(@bayareawriter) talking about this exact scam. That’s where I spotted the same username: TorresCampbell8. Damn.

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Here’s what I learned:
• Keep two-step authentication turned on, always.
• Update your passwords often.
• Be careful about app authorizations. Revoke anything you don’t absolutely need.

I’m going through all my accounts, extensions, apps - tightening everything. Stay cautious. If it happened to me, it can happen to anyone.

That’s my story. Stay safe. And always trust your instincts if something feels off.




事情是从一个推特私信开始的。一个叫 “TorresCampbell8” 的人,自称是 TechCrunch 的记者,说他在做跟 AI 和科技相关的报道,想找我聊聊。听上去没什么问题。我以前也有接受过类似的采访请求,于是去他资料页看了看。他似乎从去年开始发或转一些看似像 TechCrunch 的文章,账号显示是 2012 年创建的。唯一让我稍微迟疑的是那个 “8” 的尾缀,但我没多想。

他发来一个 Calendly 链接让我约时间。我点开链接,流程看起来很正常,还收到了预定成功的确认邮件。只不过上面没有 Zoom 或其它会议连结,我想也许他会稍后再发。然后我就去睡觉了。


我尝试联系那位 “Torres”,但他已把我拉黑,完全没有回应。于是我进推特的安全设置里翻记录,发现 Calendly 获得了读写我推文的权限。大概就是通过这层授权,对方在我睡着时发了诈骗信息。

估计他们是看中我账号粉丝还算多,就用我的账号发一个“meme coin”的链接,让想快速赚钱的人去买。等交易结束就删文,这样我自己都不会注意到。后来推友追查了那个合约地址,发现大概有上百人上当,损失了好几千美金。真是可怕。


后来我又去搜资料,发现一位真正 TechCrunch 记者 Mary 提过这个骗局。我在她的那篇报道里,又看到了 “TorresCampbell8” 这个熟悉的账号。真是气人。

• 一定要开两步验证。
• 定期更改密码。
• 对各种应用授权要多留神,能少给就少给。



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Written by

Bear Liu
Bear Liu

👋Hi there! I'm Bear, a designer who lives and works in Auckland, NZ with my daughter and wife. I do podcasts, blogging and videos between my work and family hours.