PySpark RDD Cheat Sheet

Soyoola SodunkeSoyoola Sodunke
3 min read

This cheat sheet provides a quick reference to the most commonly used PySpark RDD operations. PySpark RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets) are the fundamental data structure in Apache Spark, providing fault-tolerant, distributed data processing capabilities.

1. Creating RDDs

  • From a local collection:

    data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    rdd = sc.parallelize(data)
  • From a text file:

    rdd = sc.textFile("file_path.txt")
  • From a directory of text files:

    rdd = sc.wholeTextFiles("directory_path")

2. Basic Transformations

  • map(func): Apply a function to each element. x: x * 2)
  • flatMap(func): Apply a function to each element and flatten the result.

    rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x.split(" "))
  • filter(func): Filter elements based on a condition.

    rdd.filter(lambda x: x > 2)
  • distinct(): Return distinct elements.

  • sample(withReplacement, fraction, seed): Sample a fraction of the data.

    rdd.sample(False, 0.5, 42)

3. Key-Value Pair Transformations

  • mapValues(func): Apply a function to the value of each key-value pair.

    rdd.mapValues(lambda x: x * 2)
  • flatMapValues(func): Apply a function to the value of each key-value pair and flatten the result.

    rdd.flatMapValues(lambda x: x.split(" "))
  • reduceByKey(func): Aggregate values for each key.

    rdd.reduceByKey(lambda x, y: x + y)
  • groupByKey(): Group values for each key.

  • sortByKey(ascending=True): Sort RDD by key.

  • keys(): Extract keys from key-value pairs.

  • values(): Extract values from key-value pairs.


4. Actions

  • collect(): Return all elements of the RDD as a list.

  • count(): Return the number of elements in the RDD.

  • first(): Return the first element of the RDD.

  • take(n): Return the first n elements of the RDD.

  • takeSample(withReplacement, num, seed): Return a sample of num elements.

    rdd.takeSample(False, 5, 42)
  • reduce(func): Aggregate elements using a function.

    rdd.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y)
  • foreach(func): Apply a function to each element (no return value).

    rdd.foreach(lambda x: print(x))
  • saveAsTextFile(path): Save RDD as a text file.


5. Set Operations

  • union(other): Return the union of two RDDs.

  • intersection(other): Return the intersection of two RDDs.

  • subtract(other): Return elements in the first RDD but not in the second.

  • cartesian(other): Return the Cartesian product of two RDDs.


6. Advanced Transformations

  • coalesce(numPartitions): Decrease the number of partitions.

  • repartition(numPartitions): Increase or decrease the number of partitions.

  • zip(other): Zip two RDDs together.
  • zipWithIndex(): Zip RDD elements with their index.

  • zipWithUniqueId(): Zip RDD elements with a unique ID.


7. Persistence (Caching)

  • persist(storageLevel): Persist the RDD in memory or disk.

  • unpersist(): Remove the RDD from persistence.


8. Debugging and Inspection

  • getNumPartitions(): Get the number of partitions.

  • glom(): Return an RDD of partitions as lists.

  • id(): Get the RDD's unique ID.

9. Joins

  • join(other): Inner join two RDDs.

  • leftOuterJoin(other): Left outer join two RDDs.

  • rightOuterJoin(other): Right outer join two RDDs.

  • fullOuterJoin(other): Full outer join two RDDs.


10. Broadcast and Accumulator Variables

  • Broadcast Variables:

    broadcast_var = sc.broadcast([1, 2, 3]) x: x + broadcast_var.value[0])
  • Accumulator Variables:

    accum = sc.accumulator(0)
    rdd.foreach(lambda x: accum.add(1))

This cheat sheet covers the most essential PySpark RDD operations. For more advanced use cases, refer to the official PySpark documentation.

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Soyoola Sodunke
Soyoola Sodunke

"Never in doubt." From a decade-long career spanning customer support, telemarketing, back-office provisioning, and retail in the telecom industry, I made a bold leap into the tech space as a data engineer—a decision that transformed my career and life. Faced with stagnant growth and limited opportunities, I embraced the COVID-19 lock-down in 2020 as a turning point, dedicating myself to learning SQL, Excel, Power BI, and other data-related skills online. In just two years, hard work paid off. I secured my first role as a Data Analytics Engineer in February 2022, and my growth since then has been exponential. By combining my extensive customer service experience—strong collaboration, communication, and interpersonal skills—with telecom domain expertise, I quickly excelled in my new field. Early this year, I was promoted to third-level manager, achieving significant professional and financial milestones. Today, I proudly hold certifications in Databricks Data Engineer Associate and Microsoft Azure, actively expanding my expertise by learning Microsoft Fabric and other advanced programming. I have led teams to deliver impactful data projects, such as building on-premises data platforms and transforming company data into actionable insights that drive profits, customer satisfaction, and business growth. My journey is a testament to resilience, lifelong learning, and the power of embracing change.