Effortless Email Delivery: SES, Node.js, and BullMQ Unleashed!

Harsh SharmaHarsh Sharma
4 min read

In the age of digital communication, email delivery systems are crucial for businesses to reach their customers effectively. Amazon's Simple Email Service (SES), combined with Node.js and BullMQ (a Redis-based queue for handling jobs and messages in Node.js), can provide an efficient and scalable solution.

Amazon SES is a cost-effective, flexible, and scalable email service that businesses can utilize to send marketing, transactional, and system emails. It can send emails directly to the inbox, reducing the chances of them being marked as spam.

Node.js, a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, is known for its efficient and scalable network applications. It's single-threaded, non-blocking I/O model makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.

So, let's start by creating an AWS account and setting up Amazon SES:

First, navigate to Identity Management (Ima) and create a new user in AWS. Assign the 'AmazonSESFullAccess' policy to this user to grant necessary permissions.

Once the user is created, click on the user's name and proceed to the 'Security Credentials' tab. Here, you will find the 'Access Key' option. Click on it to generate the access key.

Next, click on the 'Other' tab. This will lead you to create an environment file. This file will be used later when integrating Amazon SES with Node.js and BullMQ.

After these steps, you can navigate back to the AWS Management Console. Search for 'Simple Email Service' in the AWS services list and click on it.

In the SES dashboard, verify your email address or domain to start sending emails. Click on 'Email Addresses' under 'Identity Management', then click on 'Verify a New Email Address'. Enter the email you want to verify, and a verification link will be sent to that email.

Upon verifying your email, you can start sending emails using Amazon SES. However, by default, your account is in sandbox mode, which means you can only send emails to verified addresses or domains. To remove this restriction, request a sending limit increase from AWS.

To do so, navigate to the 'Sending Statistics' page and click on 'Request a Sending Limit Increase'. Fill out the form with your use case details and submit it. AWS will review your request and respond via email.

You have now successfully set up Amazon SES. The next steps involve integrating Node.js and BullMQ for a more efficient and scalable email delivery system.

You've conquered the AWS setup and have Amazon SES ready to go! Now, let's bring in the power of Node.js and BullMQ to create a truly robust and scalable email delivery system. This combination allows you to handle email sending asynchronously, dramatically improving performance and scalability, especially when dealing with large volumes of emails. Think of it as building a well-oiled email factory.

First, we'll set up our Node.js project – the foundation of our email system. This involves creating a project directory, initializing a Node.js project, and installing the essential packages: aws-sdk, bullmq, dotenv, and nodemailer. These are the tools of the trade. aws-sdk lets us talk to Amazon SES, bullmq provides the queuing mechanism, dotenv securely manages our environment variables, and nodemailer simplifies email creation and sending. A critical step is creating a .env file to store your AWS credentials and other sensitive information. This file should never be committed to version control – it's your secret sauce.

AWS_REGION=YOUR_AWS_REGION  (e.g., us-east-1)
REDIS_URL=redis:// (or your Redis connection string)

Next, we'll create the email sending queue using BullMQ. Picture this queue as a waiting line for emails. When you need to send an email, you add it to the queue, and BullMQ manages the order and efficient delivery. Here's the code for emailQueue.js:

JavaScript Code

const { Queue } = require('bullmq');

const emailQueue = new Queue('email-queue', {
  redis: process.env.REDIS_URL,

module.exports = emailQueue;

Now, the heart of our system: the email worker. This worker constantly watches the queue, picks up waiting emails, and uses Amazon SES to send them. It's the tireless engine of our email factory. Here's emailWorker.js:

JavaScript Code

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
const emailQueue = require('./emailQueue');

const ses = new AWS.SES({
  accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
  secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
  region: process.env.AWS_REGION,

const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
  SES: { ses, aws: AWS },

emailQueue.process(async (job) => {
  const { to, subject, html } = job.data;

  try {
    await transporter.sendMail({
      from: process.env.SENDER_EMAIL,
    console.log(`Email sent to ${to}`);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Error sending email to ${to}:`, error);
    throw error; 

console.log('Email worker started.');

Finally, a simple script, sendEmail.js, to add emails to the queue:

JavaScript Code

const emailQueue = require('./emailQueue');

async function sendEmail(to, subject, html) {
  await emailQueue.add('send-email', { to, subject, html });
  console.log(`Email job added to queue for ${to}`);

sendEmail('harsh@example.com', 'Hello from BullMQ and SES!', '<p>This is a test email.</p>');

Remember to start your Redis server before running the worker (node emailWorker.js) and the sendEmail.js script (node sendEmail.js). This setup provides a robust and scalable solution, leveraging the power of Amazon SES, Node.js, and BullMQ. The asynchronous queue ensures your application remains responsive even with a high email volume. The worker diligently processes each email, guaranteeing reliable delivery. This combination gives you a powerful and efficient email sending system.

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Written by

Harsh Sharma
Harsh Sharma

I'm a skilled developer with a passion for creating efficient, scalable solutions and a constant drive to learn and improve my craft.