Step-by-Step: Connecting Parseable Logstreams to Apache Superset

Apache Superset is one of the leading visualization systems in the data analytics ecosystem. Superset can connect to any SQL-based database and has dozens of features for creating flexible and extensible visualizations.
As the boundaries between analytical events and telemetry data fades away, several of Parseable users wanted a way to deep dive into their log and event data in a single pane of glass. This is in addition to Parseable native observability focused charts and dashboards.
So we built a Parseable Superset connector based on Python SQLAlchemy toolkit. This connector serves as a bridges between Parseable API & Superset, bringing in all the observability and telemetry data in Paseable to Superset.
In this post, we’ll showcase how to setup the connect and use it to build high fidelity graphs and charts in Superset.
First step is to set up Superset on your machine. If you have a Superset instance already, you can skip to the next step.
Create a Python virtual environment
As always with Python, it’s best to use a virtual environment. Create and activate one:
python3 -m venv venvsource
venv/bin/activate # On Linux/Mac# or
.\venv\Scripts\activate # On Windows
Install and configure Superset
Install Apache Superset:
pip install apache-superset
Define Superset’s mandatory environment variables, the initialize the database, create an admin user and finally load initial data.
export SUPERSET_SECRET_KEY=your-secure-secret-key
export FLASK_APP=superset
superset db upgrade
superset fab create-admin
superset init
Add the Parseable connector
The Superset maintainers have merged the code for the Parseable connector, but at the time of writing, it hasn’t made it into a release. So, for now, you need to add it manually by installing it with pip:
pip install sqlalchemy-parseable==1.4
Start Superset and log in with the details provided during the setup steps:
superset run -p 8088 --with-threads --reload --debugger
Connect databases
As the Parseable API returns individual log streams, you must add each one you want to access as a different database connection, each using the same method.
Open the
menu and selectData > Database connections
.Click the
+ Database
buttonIn the dialogue that appears, choose Other from the
Supported Databases
drop-down. When the Parseable support makes a Superset release, it will also appear here.Use the SQLAlchemy URI format, which contains the protocol (parseable), the access details for the instance (this example uses the Parseable demo cluster), and most importantly, the Parseable log stream. So, for this example, add the following:
Give the Database connection a name.
Let us also add another log stream called csi
Create datasets and charts
As each Parseable log stream is a separate Database connection, you need to create a dataset for each database connection.
After creating a dataset, Superset takes you to the Chart creation process, so it’s easier to continue straight from there. The following instructions go through the process of creating each dataset and the related chart.
Backend operations
Open the
as the database.Parseable is a schema-less database, so choose “default” for the schema.
for the table.Click
Create Dataset and Create Chart
In the Charts
tab, select the backend
dataset, a Bar Chart
chart type, and click Create New Chart
For the
, add themethod
, make sure to select the COUNT aggregation. Superset often defaults toCOUNT_DISTINCT
, which is a useful aggregation, but it would make for an uninteresting chart in this case.Click
Update Chart
to view the resulting chart and underneath a table view of the data Superset used.Click the
button at the top right of the window, name the chartoperations
, and add it to a new dashboard namedParseable
Save and Go to Dashboard
You should see a bar chart showing the number of different backend operations.
Error gauge
To create a dataset, follow the same steps as before, but select the CSI
database and table.
For the chart, in the Charts
tab, select the csi
dataset, a Gauge Chart chart type
, and click Create New Chart
Add a second
(Superset requires the timestamp filter) based on theseverity
column, setting it asEqual to (=)
as the operator andE
as the value. This means the chart only considers error severity values.Add the
column toMetric
and the aggregation toCOUNT
Update Chart
to view the resulting chart and underneath a table view of the data Superset used.Click the
button at the top right of the screen, name the chartError rate
, and add it to a new dashboard namedParseable
Save and Go to Dashboard
You should see a gauge showing the current error rate. For the log stream in the Parseable demo cluster, this is about 50%.
Query log streams with SQL
You can also use Superset to query Parseable log streams, but it requires an extra step when you create the database connection.
Open the
menu and selectData > Database connections
.Click the
+ Database
buttonIn the dialogue that appears, choose
from theSupported Databases
drop-down.Add the following SQLAlchemy URI:
Click the
tab and expandSQL Lab
. Make sure the following items are checked:Allow DDL and DML
Enable query cost estimation
Allow this database to be explored
Enable row expansion in schemas
To query the database, open the SQL > SQL Lab
tab. Select the nginx
database and its schema and table schema, then try the following queries.
SELECT status, COUNT(*) as count
FROM ingress-nginx
WHERE p_timestamp >= '2024-01-01T00:00:00Z'
GROUP BY status;
Shows the groupings of status messages after a particular time.
SELECT method, status, COUNT(*) as count
FROM ingress-nginx
WHERE p_timestamp >= '2024-01-01T00:00:00Z'
GROUP BY method, status;
Queries and returns methods and statuses after a certain time.
This article looked at how to add Parseable log streams to Apache Superset and use its powerful tools to create visualizations and queries of your log data. Using these steps and techniques, you can bring Parseable data into a suite of other tools and cross-query it with other sources in your stack to get rich insights into your data.
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