Cloud rookie

i am a cloud rookie with a chip on my shoulder .You could also consider this article as a rant , i somehow managed to get into a nice startup as a trainee cloud engineer. I can assure you this is not prompt generated as you can feel the weariness in my rant. I made a huge decision to move to Kolkata to peruse this role as entry level cloud roles are hard to come by these days(let alone a jobs , everyone is desperate for some shit paying job in a hope they can make more money in the future via gathered experience). I genuinely don’t know what to do , should I do certificates after certificates or focus on building knowledge and side projects. I just want leverage to negotiate my Labor Wage and be able to send some money home(please don’t remind me about my 2 year bond).I look at people like Abhishek Veeramalla and say to myself will I ever be as good as him?. I am barely a week into this role , and I have realized one thing , there will always be more learn , and I will always feel exhausted and inadequate (and insecure also , looking how great my seniors are, and how motivated and enthusiastic my junior are).I am planning to complete 3 certificate within the next 75 days , before my training get over and 2 months prior to the appraisal cycle so that I can at least try asking for a reasonable pay. I will look back a year from now at this moment and say to myself possibly 2 things . Either how stupid how I was to set unrealistic expectations , or how I pulled it off. I must grind for the upcoming 2 to 3 months , it is going to be very uncomfortable . People around me don’t seem so stressed , I always look flabbergasted. I just want a decent/good start to my career , and I want it to be remarkable in some sense. I don’t want to attach my self worth to my job , but man does it feel good to know that at worst case I will at least have a basic job like cloud monitoring for the next 2 years (unless i do some stupid shit and get fired recklessly). I feel thankful for this job , because it has given me a little self esteem . BUT I DON’T WANT TO TAKE IT SLOW. I don’t want to be comfortable at this state of my life . I must find a sustainable method to push through.

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Written by

Chidambaram Chitu
Chidambaram Chitu