How to Import Emails to Hostinger Email

Sina PradipSina Pradip
2 min read

Step 1 – Gather Details

First, create the required email accounts at Hostinger Email. Importing emails to other email accounts is also possible but not recommended.

Next, make sure that the necessary Hostinger Email DNS records (MX, SPF, DKIM) are present in your domain's DNS zone.

Then, gather the following details:

  1. Source email account (email address)

  2. Source email password

  3. Mail server (IMAP) name

  4. Mail server PORT (993) and Security (SSL)

Step 2 – Access the Email Import Tool

Go to the Emails section, and click on Manage next to the domain name in question. Then, open the Email Import section on the left, and click on New email import request:

Step 3 – Create the Import Request

  1. Prepare for import - If you are using Google or Yahoo as your email provider, you can access the dedicated guides at this point. For any other providers, click on Next step.

  2. Import from - Enter the full email account you want to import including the domain, e.g. support@domain.tld. Next, enter the password and IMAP mail server. Once ready, click on Next step

  3. Import to - Select the destination email account from the dropdown list. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the same email account you had previously, meaning that you can migrate emails from e.g., support@domain.tld to contact@business.tld. Enter the destination account's password and click on Next step

  4. Summary - Once all the details are filled in, you'll be presented with a summary of the details of the source and target email accounts. Click on Start to begin the import:

That’s it! You may find all the requests and their statuses in the Requests section of the Import Email tool:

Once the migration is complete, you'll get an email notification.

Image Credit: Hostinger

An Article By: Pradip Timilsina (@sinapradip)

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Written by

Sina Pradip
Sina Pradip

Full Stack Developer | HTML,CSS, Javascript, WordPress | @sinapradip