Full-Stack Java Developer Roadmap👨‍💻

Franklin MNFranklin MN
2 min read

Become job ready as a full stack Java devevloper with this 4–6 months roadmap, the below roamap covers Frontend, Backend and deployment.

Duration: 4–6 months (2–4 hours/day)

Key Skills: Backend, Frontend, Deployment, Testing

🎯Phase 1: Java (1.5 Months)

Week 1: Java Basics

  • Variables, Data Types, Operators

  • Loops (for, while, do-while)

  • Functions & Recursion

  • Arrays & Strings

Week 2: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Classes, Objects, Constructors

  • Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism

  • Abstraction & Interfaces

Week 3: Collections & Exception Handling

  • Lists, Sets, Maps (ArrayList, HashMap, TreeSet)

  • Try-Catch Blocks, Custom Exceptions

Week 4: File Handling & JDBC

  • Reading/Writing Files (FileReader, BufferedReader)

  • Connecting Java with MySQL (JDBC)

🎯Phase 2: Spring & Spring Boot (2 Months)

Week 5: Spring Core

  • Spring Framework Basics

  • Dependency Injection (DI) & Inversion of Control (IoC)

Week 6: Spring Boot Basics

  • Setting up Spring Boot Project

  • RESTful APIs (@GetMapping, @PostMapping)

  • Spring Boot Annotations

Week 7: Spring MVC & JPA

  • MVC Architecture (Controller, View, Model)

  • Spring Data JPA (@Entity, @Repository, @Service)

  • CRUD Operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)

Week 8: Spring Security & Authentication

  • JWT Token Authentication

  • Role-Based Access Control

🎯Phase 3: Frontend (JavaScript + React) (1.5 Months)

Week 9: JavaScript, HTML & CSS Basics

  • HTML Elements, Forms, Tables

  • CSS Flexbox, Grid, Animations

  • JavaScript (let, const, function, fetch())

Week 10: JavaScript Advanced Concepts

  • ES6+ Features (Arrow Functions, Promises, async/await)

  • DOM Manipulation (document.getElementById(), addEventListener())

Week 11: React Basics

  • React Components & Props

  • State Management (useState, useEffect)

  • React Router (Navigation)

Week 12: React Advanced

  • Context API, Redux (State Management)

  • Integrating React with Spring Boot (Fetching Data)

🎯Phase 4: Git, Integration, Deployment & Testing (1 Month)

Week 13: Git & Version Control

  • Git Basics (git init, git commit, git push)

  • GitHub & Branching (git checkout, git merge)

Week 14: Backend & Frontend Integration

  • Connecting React Frontend with Spring Boot Backend

  • Handling CORS Issues

Week 15: Deployment

  • Deploying Spring Boot API (Heroku, AWS, or DigitalOcean)

  • Deploying React App (Netlify, Vercel, or Firebase)

Week 16: Testing & Debugging

  • JUnit & Mockito (Unit Testing)

  • Postman for API Testing


  • After completing this roadmap, build a Resume with some projects to land on a job. 🍎

  • Try for remote jobs or start freelancing. 🍓

  • If you are good enough of the topics you have learned, you can start teaching to others. 🍇

  • After this, you can explore DevOps, Microservices, or Cloud Computing, Blockchain. 🍊

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Franklin MN
Franklin MN

Universe is made up of matter, antimatter and darkmatter, tech universe is made up of Hardware, software and social media. 🌌🪐🌌🪐💫☄️⋆。゚🪐。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆