Must-Know Linux Commands for Novice Users

Suraj TopareSuraj Topare
3 min read

Did you know that there are literally hundreds of Linux commands? Even on a bare-bones Linux server install there are easily over 1,000 different commands.

The interesting thing is that most people only need to use a very small subset of those commands. Below you’ll find a Linux commands that breaks down some of the most commonly used commands by category.


Display Linux system information

/uname -a

Display kernel release information

/uname -r

Show operating system information such as distribution name and version

/cat /etc/os-release

Show how long the system has been running + load


Show system host name


Display all local IP addresses of the host.

/hostname -I

Show system reboot history

/last reboot

Show the current date and time


Show this month's calendar


Display who is online


Who you are logged in as



Display and manage the top processes


Display virtual memory statistics

/vmstat 1

Display I/O statistics

/iostat 1

List all open files on the system


List files opened by user

lsof -u user

Display free and used memory ( -h for human readable, -m for MB, -g for GB.)

/free -h


Display the user and group ids of your current user.


Display the last users who have logged onto the system.


Show who is logged into the system.


Show who is logged in and what they are Display the user and group ids of your current user.


Display the last users who have logged onto the system.


Show who is logged into the system.


Create a group named "devops".

/groupadd devops

Create an account named suraj, with a comment of "Suraj Topare" and create the user's home directory.

/useradd -c "Suraj Topare" -m suraj

Delete the suraj account.

/userdel suraj

Add the suraj account to the devops group

/usermod -aG devops suraj


List all files in a long listing (detailed) format

/ls -al

Display the present working directory


Create a directory

/mkdir directory

Remove (delete) file

/rm file

Remove the directory and its contents recursively

/rm -r directory

Force removal of file without prompting for confirmation

/rm -f file

Copy file1 to file2

/cp file1 file2

Copy source_directory recursively to destination. If destination exists, copy source_directory into destination, otherwise create destination with the contents of source_directory.

/cp -r source_directory destination

Rename or move file1 to file2. If file2 is an existing directory, move file1 into directory file2

/mv file1 file2

Create an empty file or update the access and modification times of file.

/touch file

View the contents of file

/cat file

Display the first 10 lines of file

/head file

Display the last 10 lines of file

/tail file

Other useful command



grep is used to search for patterns within files. It's incredibly useful for finding specific lines of text in large files.


grep 'pattern' filename


To find all lines containing the word "error" in a log file, you can use:

grep 'error' logfile.txt



awk is a versatile programming language designed for pattern scanning and processing. It's perfect for extracting and manipulating data from text files.


awk 'pattern {action}' filename


To print the second column of a file, you can use:

awk '{print $2}' filename

✂️ sed (Stream Editor)


sed is a stream editor used for performing basic text transformations on an input stream (a file or input from a pipeline).


sed 's/old/new/' filename


To replace the word "foo" with "bar" in a file, you can use:

Copy's/foo/bar/g' filename

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Written by

Suraj Topare
Suraj Topare