Automating Your Windows Terminal With A PowerShell Profile

5 min read

I’m a regular user of the Windows Terminal to speed up the manual tasks that are required during the software development process. I’ve found PowerShell’s $PROFILE script very useful for adding automation code which is loaded every time a PowerShell session starts. These are some of the things I’ve added to my own $PROFILE over the years:

  • Setting custom variables

  • Using helper functions

  • Automating common tasks

  • Running custom tools

Creating The $PROFILE Script

Before we get started we need to actually create the script file. $PROFILE is actually just a string variable containing the path to the script file, not the file itself. Open a PowerShell terminal and enter the following commands to get started:


PS: John > Test-Path $PROFILE

PS: John > New-Item $PROFILE

    Directory: C:\Users\John\Documents\WindowsPowerShell

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----       11/02/2025     22:43              0 󰞷  Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1

PS: John > notepad $PROFILE

The final command opens the $PROFILE script in notepad. As an example add the following code:

function Say-Hello()
   Write-Host "Hello PS world!" -ForegroundColor Green

Click Save and go back to the terminal. We need to reload the profile for the new code to be available, which can do by dot sourcing the $PROFILE script. Once the script has been reloaded the new function is available to run:

PS: John > . $PROFILE
PS: John > Say-Hello
Hello PS world!

Setting Custom Variables

Now that our $PROFILE script is setup we can add any PowerShell code we want. One of the first things I started to add in were custom variables so that I could more easily navigate to common directories:

$code = "D:\Code";
$github = "$code\github\";
$mftsrc = "$github\MyFoodTracker\src";
$mftclient = "$mftsrc\client"
$mftapi = "$mftsrc\api";

Using Helper Functions

I’ve also found it useful to have simple PowerShell helper functions that wrap up existing commands making them a bit more succinct and user friendly:

function Edit-Profile() {
     vim $profile

function nuke() {
    del $path -Force -Recurse

function Copy-Path() {
    (pwd).Path | clip

function Write-VisualStudioGitIgnore() {
    iwr | sc .gitignore

function Start-MockServer() {
    docker run -d --rm -p 1080:1080 mockserver/mockserver
    write-host "Mockserver running access on: http://localhost:1080/mockserver/dashboard" -foregroud DarkGray

function Jira-Pat() {
    (Get-StoredCredential -Target jira -AsCredentialObject).Password

function Set-AzAcmeDev() {
    az account set --subscription "acme-development"
    az account list -o table

Automating Common Tasks

On a few occasions I’ve written quite big automation scripts that start up the system being developed and run some tests against it. Typically this is just during local development as the CI/CD pipeline takes care of the production build.

In this first example a docker container is built, a helm chart deployed and then some integrations tests run:

function saturn-inttest() {

    write-host "***** Running integration tests *****" -foreground green 
    write-host "Building docker container" -foreground green 
    docker build -f docker/linux/debian/buster-slim/amd64/Dockerfile -t saturn/local:int --build-arg nuget_pat="$acmePat" .

    write-host "Installing helm package" -foreground green 
    helm install saturn-int-test helm/charts/saturn-acme-api -f helm.local/values.yml

    write-host "Running dotnet test" -foreground green 
    dotnet test src/Acme.Api.IntegrationTests/Acme.Api.IntegrationTests.csproj --settings src/Acme.Api.IntegrationTests/helm.local.runsettings.xml

    write-host "Uninstalling helm package" -foreground green 
    helm uninstall saturn-int-test

    write-host "***** Integration Tests complete ******" -foreground green   

Another more elaborate example builds and runs unit tests before starting the APIs and running some postman tests using newman:

function AcmeManager-Test() {

    write-host "Building AcmeHub.sln" -foreground green
    dotnet build D:\Code\AcmeCorporate\saturn-ms-integration-api5\src\AcmeHub.sln --nologo -v q

    dotnet test D:\Code\AcmeCorporate\saturn-ms-integration-api5\src\AcmeHub.sln --no-build -v q

    write-host "Starting AcmeManagerShim Api Integration Tests" -foreground green
    write-host "Starting APIs..." -foreground DarkGray
    $psIntegrationApi = start-process -FilePath dotnet -ArgumentList " run --project D:\Code\AcmeCorporate\saturn-ms-integration-api5\src\Api\Api.csproj" -passthru -WindowStyle Minimized
    $psShimApi = start-process -FilePath dotnet -ArgumentList " run --project D:\Code\AcmeCorporate\saturn-ms-integration-api5\src\AcmeManagerApi.Shim\AcmeManagerApi.Shim.csproj" -passthru -WindowStyle Minimized

    write-host "Pinging http://localhost:5003" -foreground DarkGray 
    $response = Invoke-WebRequest  "http://localhost:5003/ping"

    While ($response.StatusCode -ne "200")
        start-sleep 1
        write-host "Pinging http://localhost:5003" -foreground DarkGray 
        $response = Invoke-WebRequest  "http://localhost:5003/ping"
        write-host "Trying ping again... "

    write-host "Running Postman Tests..." -foreground DarkGray 
    newman run D:\Code\AcmeCorporate\IntegrationTesting\Postman\AcmeManagerApi.Shim-Test.v2.json -e D:\Code\AcmeCorporate\IntegrationTesting\Postman\AcmeManagerApi.Shim-Test.Environment.v2.json 

    write-host "Stopping Apis..." -foreground DarkGray 
    $psIntegrationApi | Stop-Process 
    $psShimApi | Stop-Process 

    write-host "AcmeManagerShim Api Integration Tests complete!" -foreground green

Running Custom Executables

The final technique that I use is to build a console app using C# and .NET Core and then add a PowerShell function which uses the Invoke-Expression cmdlet so that it can be called from the command line.

Typically I would use the PublishSingleFile setting and then copy the .exe out to a tools directory which is added to the windows PATH directory:

dotnet publish -c Release -o publish -p:PublishReadyToRun=true -p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:PublishTrimmed=true --self-contained true
function Ping-Acme()
    iex 'D:\AcmeCorporate\tools\AcmePing.exe'

This simple technique is actually very useful for quickly and easily being able to write code to automate parts of the development process.

As an example, one product that I worked on required regularly clicking through a complex wizard in order to setup the scenario to debug the code. I wrote a console app that used selenium to click through through the screens to get to the page that was to be worked on.

Once the initial method to navigate the wizard was there it became very useful to extend and adapt for different debug scenarios, for example when fixing a bug that occurred when two people had to book at the same time:

function Nbs-BookApointment($nhsNumber, $dateOfBirth, $postcode, $bookDate, $time) {

    iex 'D:\Code\NHSD\tools\AppointmentBooker\booker.exe $nhsNumber "$dateOfBirth" "$postcode" "$bookDate" "$time"'

function Nbs-BookAppointment1($time) {

    $customerId = "5003245"
    $dateOfBirth = "25/12/1948"
    $postcode = "IP11 2GN"
    $bookDate = "28/08/2023"

    Nbs-BookApointment $nhsNumber $dateOfBirth $postcode $bookDate $time

function Nbs-BookAppointment2($time) {

     $customerId = "5003657"
     $dateOfBirth = "30/06/1948"
     $postcode = "IP11 2GN"
     $bookDate = "28/08/2023"

     Nbs-BookApointment $nhsNumber $dateOfBirth $postcode $bookDate $time

The more you practice writing these little scripts and console apps to help automate the smaller tasks, the more opportunities seem to present themselves. I hope the above examples have given you some ideas for how you can automate your own local workflow using PowerShell and the $PROFILE script.

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