š§Installing the Latest Node.js, npm, & PM2 from NodeSource on Debianāļø

If you're running Debian and need the latest version of Node.js, npm, and PM2, the best way is to use NodeSourceās setup script. NodeSource maintains up-to-date versions of Node.js, which are newer than what Debianās package manager provides.
Step 1: Update and Install Required Packages
Before installing anything, update your system and install prerequisites:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y curl ca-certificates
: Used to fetch the NodeSource setup script.ca-certificates
: Ensures secure HTTPS connections.
Step 2: Install Node.js from NodeSource
Run the official setup script from NodeSource. You can choose the latest LTS (recommended) or current (cutting-edge) version.
Install the Latest LTS Version (Recommended)
bashCopyEditcurl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_lts.x | sudo -E bash -
- The
script automatically detects your Debian version and configures the correct repository.
OR Install the Latest Current Version (More Experimental)
curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_current.x | sudo -E bash -
- This installs the latest cutting-edge release instead of the stable LTS.
Now, install Node.js:
sudo apt install -y nodejs
Step 3: Verify the Installation
After installation, check the installed versions:
node -v
npm -v
Expected output (example):
(Your version may vary depending on the latest release.)
Step 4: Install PM2 (Process Manager for Node.js)
PM2 is a production process manager that helps keep your Node.js apps running in the background.
Install it globally using npm:
sudo npm install -g pm2
Verify PM2 Installation
pm2 -v
Expected output:
Step 5: Set PM2 to Auto-Start on System Boot
To ensure that PM2 starts your apps automatically after a reboot, run:
pm2 startup systemd
This outputs a command similar to:
sudo env PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin pm2 startup systemd -u youruser --hp /home/youruser
Run the command as shown to enable PM2 at boot.
Step 6: Test PM2 with a Sample Node.js App
To test, create a simple Node.js server:
echo 'console.log("Hello from PM2!"); setInterval(() => console.log("Running..."), 5000);' > test.js
Run the script with PM2:
pm2 start test.js --name my-test-app
pm2 status
This starts test.js
and keeps it running.
Step 7: Save and Auto-Restore Running Applications
To ensure PM2 restarts all running apps after a reboot:
pm2 save
š You now have the latest Node.js, npm, and PM2 installed on Debian!
Node.js & npm from NodeSource
PM2 to manage Node.js applications
Auto-start and persistence after reboots
Now you can deploy and manage your Node.js apps easily! š
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Written by

Ronald Bartels
Ronald Bartels
Driving SD-WAN Adoption in South Africa