#100DaysOfCloudDevOps Challenge — Day 09 — Git

8 min read

Git is a version control system, a tool that programmers use to manage and track changes to their source code over time. It allows developers to keep a history of all modifications made to their code. Git can be used through the terminal, command line, or PowerShell.

Why Use Git?

✅ Tracks code changes over time

✅ Enables team collaboration

✅ Allows branching & merging for safe development

What are GitHub and GitLab?

• Cloud-based platforms to store, collaborate, and manage repositories using Git.

Git Basics

Distributed vs. Centralized Version Control – Enables all project versions to be stored and accessible to everyone.

Repository – A folder (or root folder) where any type of file can be saved.

Main/Master – The primary branch where all final modifications are merged.

Branch – A separate version of the main/master branch where a team can safely make and test changes.

Commit – A snapshot of changes saved in the repository.. Saves updates to the repository, overwriting the previous version.

Push – Transfers changes from your local repository (on your computer) to a remote repository, making them visible to teammates.

Pull – Fetches and merges changes from a remote repository (like GitHub) into your local repository.

Merge – Combines one branch with another (usually into the main/master branch).

Fork – Creates a personal copy of someone else’s repository, which then appears in your GitHub account.

Clone – Copies a repository from a remote source to your local machine.

Markdown – A lightweight formatting language designed to be easy to read, write, and edit in plain text. While HTML is for publishing, Markdown is for writing.

WYSIWYG vs. WYSIWYM – “What You See Is What You Get” vs. “What You See Is What You Mean.”

Essential Git Commands

git initInitialize a new Git repository
git clone <repo-url>Copy a remote repository to your machine
git statusCheck the current state of your working directory
git add <file>Stage changes for commit
git commit -m "message"Save changes with a commit message
git push origin <branch>Upload commits to a remote repo
git pull origin <branch>Download the latest changes from the remote repo
git merge <branch>Merge a branch into the main branch
git branchList branches
git checkout -b <branch>Create and switch to a new branch
git log --onelineView commit history


Initializing a Git Project

# Step 1: Navigate to your project folder
cd path/to/your/project

# Step 2: Initialize Git in the folder
git init

# Step 3: Link the local repository to GitHub
git remote add origin https://github.com/yourusername/repository-name.git

# Step 4: Create a file and commit changes
echo "# My First Repository" > README.md
git add README.md
git commit -m "Initial commit"

# Step 5: Push the code to GitHub
git push -u origin main

Git Advanced: Workflows, Rebasing, Merging, Resolving Conflicts

Git Workflows

Feature Branch Workflow: Developers create feature branches and merge them into main.

Gitflow Workflow: Uses develop, feature, release, and hotfix branches.

Forking Workflow: Used for open-source projects where contributors fork repositories.

Rebasing vs. Merging

Merging (git merge): Combines two branches, keeping both histories.

Rebasing (git rebase): Moves your branch on top of another branch, rewriting history for a cleaner log.

Resolving Conflicts

• When two developers edit the same file, Git may ask for manual conflict resolution.

• Conflicts must be fixed manually before committing changes.


Creating and Merging Branches

1. Create a feature branch

git checkout -b feature-branch

2. Make changes and commit

echo "New Feature" >> feature.txt
git add feature.txt
git commit -m "Added new feature"

3. Merge with main branch

git checkout main
git merge feature-branch
git push origin main

Rebasing a Branch

1. Switch to the feature branch

git checkout feature-branch

2. Rebase onto main

git rebase main

3. Coding – Conflict Resolution Example

Simulating a Conflict

1. User A (Main Branch) Updates a File

echo "Hello from User A" > greetings.txt
git add greetings.txt
git commit -m "User A's change"
git push origin main

2. User B (Feature Branch) Updates the Same File

git checkout -b feature-branch
echo "Hello from User B" > greetings.txt
git add greetings.txt
git commit -m "User B's change"
git push origin feature-branch

3. Merging Causes a Conflict

git checkout main
git merge feature-branch

• Git will alert you of a conflict in greetings.txt.

Resolving the Conflict

1. Open greetings.txt and manually edit the conflicting lines.

2. Add the resolved file and commit:

git add greetings.txt
git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict"
git push origin main

Best Practices for Writing Git Commit Messages

1. Why Are Good Commit Messages Important?

• Help track changes and understand what was modified.

• Make it easier for team members to review and collaborate.

• Improve debugging by clearly describing the context of changes.

• Keep the Git history clean for future reference.

2. Best Practices for Writing Commit Messages

A. Use the Conventional Commit Format

  • A structured commit message format improves readability and automation. The general structure is:
<type>(<scope>): <short description>

<optional detailed explanation>
<optional issue reference>


feat(auth): add JWT authentication for login

Implemented JWT-based authentication for user login. The token is now stored in local storage.
Closes #42
  • With JIRA Ticket or Work Order Number
<JIRA-TICKET> <type>(<scope>): <short description>

<optional detailed explanation>
<optional issue reference>


PROJ-123 feat(auth): add OAuth2 login support

Implemented OAuth2 login via Google and GitHub. Users can now authenticate using third-party providers.
Closes PROJ-123.

B. Keep the Commit Message Clear and Concise

First line: 50 characters max, written in imperative tense (e.g., “Add”, “Fix”, “Update”).

Second line: Leave blank.

Third line (optional): More details, reasoning, or references.

Bad Example:

Updated the login system

Good Example:

fix(auth): resolve login bug causing 500 error

Fixed an issue where logging in with an incorrect password would crash the server. Now, the API returns a proper error message.

C. Use Meaningful Commit Types

Use a commit type that clearly defines the purpose of the change. Some standard types include:

featIntroduces a new feature
fixFixes a bug
choreMinor changes (e.g., updating dependencies)
docsUpdates documentation
styleCode style changes (formatting, linting)
refactorImproves code structure without changing functionality
testAdds or updates tests
perfPerformance improvements


feat(ui): add dark mode toggle  
fix(cart): correct total price calculation  
docs(readme): update installation instructions

D. When to Commit?

Small, logical changes – Avoid committing huge chunks of code at once.

One feature or fix per commit – This makes rollbacks and debugging easier.

Before pushing to GitHub, review your commits using:

git log --oneline

E. Scope (Optional but Recommended)

• Defines the area of change: ui, api, auth, database, checkout, etc.

3. Hands-On Practice for Writing Better Commits

Scenario 1: Fixing a Bug

❌ Bad Commit Message:

fixed issue

✅ Good Commit Message:

fix(api): resolve undefined variable in user login

Corrected a reference error causing API requests to fail when a user logs in. The issue was due to a missing variable in authController.js.

Scenario 2: Adding a Feature

❌ Bad Commit Message:

added new feature

✅ Good Commit Message:

feat(profile): implement user profile editing

Users can now update their profile details, including name and bio. Integrated with the backend for data persistence.

Scenario 3: Updating Documentation

❌ Bad Commit Message:

updated docs

✅ Good Commit Message:

PROJ-123 docs(contributing): clarify branching strategy

Added details on how contributors should create feature branches and submit pull requests.

The Commit Message Checklist

✅ Optional: Start with a JIRA Ticket or Work Order Number (PROJ-123)

✅ Use structured commit types like feat, fix, docs, etc.

✅ Use the imperative tense (“Add” instead of “Added”)

✅ Keep the first line short and meaningful (≤50 characters)

✅ Add extra context in a second paragraph if necessary

Reference issues using Closes #issue-number

Commit frequently but logically – one change per commit

Learning Git is not just essential for managing code, but it’s also a fun and powerful skill that helps you stay organized and efficient as an Engineer. Mastering Git, GitHub, GitLab, and writing effective commit messages, you are ready to work collaboratively with teams and keep your projects well-organized and easy to maintain. Happy coding!

Find the GitHub repo here.

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