Day 18 of 30 days to get THE JOB

Today I learned in depth Recursion.If you want to learn then tale this problem and try to solve it you will understand recursion.
Print the sub-sequence of arr
Input a={4,2,1}
Output - {4,2,1} ,{4,2},{4,1},{2,1},{4},{2},{1},{}
To do you can refer this video also -
Where he uses take/no take method.
Then I revised Exception handling in java.
There are two types of Exception
1) User-Defined Exceptions
2) Built-in Exceptions
Checked Exception - Checked at Compile time , Handled by try- catch and also throw keyword eg: IOException
Unchecked Exception - Checked at runtime time ,No handling required eg: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundExcpetion
30 days may not help you to reach the goal but this will take you closer to the goal. So you can start with #30DaysforMyGoal and post it daily.
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