Enterprise Azure Arc Deployment: Lessons from the Trenches - Part 1

Topaz HurvitzTopaz Hurvitz
12 min read

Enterprise Azure Arc & AMA Deployment: Lessons from the Trenches - Part 1

Author's Note: This post weaves technical truths with dramatized experiences. While the technical implementations are accurate, identifying details have been modified to maintain confidentiality.

The Challenge

When I led the Azure Arc deployment initiative across our enterprise environment of 5,000+ servers, what seemed like a straightforward agent installation quickly turned into a complex puzzle of networking issues, authentication challenges, and system compatibility problems. With the addition of Azure Monitor Agent (AMA) for Sentinel integration, the complexity increased - but so did our security visibility.

The business impact was significant - without reliable Arc and AMA deployment, we couldn't:

  • Implement consistent security policies across our hybrid estate
  • Enable automated patch management
  • Deploy monitoring solutions uniformly
  • Maintain compliance with our regulatory requirements
  • Stream critical security logs to Microsoft Sentinel
  • Achieve unified security monitoring across our hybrid infrastructure

Technical Background

Azure Arc with AMA Architecture Primer

Azure Arc extends Azure's management plane to any infrastructure, whether on-premises, multi-cloud, or edge. Let me explain the key components enabling this:

1. Connected Machine Agent

Purpose and Function: The Connected Machine Agent is the core component that enables servers outside of Azure to be managed as if they were Azure resources. Think of it as a translator that allows your on-premises or other cloud servers to communicate with Azure management services.

Component Interaction: This agent consists of two main services:

  • Hybrid Agent Service (himds) - handles authentication with Azure
  • Guest Configuration Agent (gcad) - manages configurations

These work together to establish a secure connection between your non-Azure servers and the Azure control plane.

Think of the Connected Machine Agent as a universal translator device. Your non-Azure servers speak one language, and Azure services speak another. This agent acts as the interpreter, allowing both sides to understand each other and work together smoothly.

2. Azure Monitor Agent (AMA)

Purpose and Function: AMA collects monitoring data from your servers and sends it to Azure for analysis. Unlike the legacy agents (Log Analytics agent), AMA uses a more efficient, streamlined approach to data collection that's easier to configure and maintain.

Component Interaction: AMA works alongside Arc to collect different types of monitoring data (logs, metrics, etc.) based on Data Collection Rules (DCRs) you define. It then securely transmits this data to designated destinations like Log Analytics workspaces, which can feed into services like Sentinel for security monitoring.

If Azure Arc is like adding your non-Azure servers to your Azure "phone contacts," then AMA is like installing specialized sensors on those servers that report back exactly the information you're interested in. You control what sensors are active (via DCRs) and where they send their data.

3. Data Collection Rules (DCRs)

Purpose and Function: DCRs are the configuration profiles that tell AMA exactly what data to collect and where to send it. They're the key to making AMA flexible and efficient compared to older monitoring approaches.

Component Interaction: DCRs act as the bridge between the data sources on your servers (event logs, performance counters, etc.) and the destinations in Azure (Log Analytics workspaces). They can be centrally managed and assigned to multiple servers, making monitoring configuration much more consistent and scalable.

Think of DCRs as custom delivery instructions for a package service. They specify exactly what should be picked up (the monitoring data), how it should be packaged (any transformations needed), and where it should be delivered (which Azure services should receive it).

These services establish and maintain:

  • Authentication and authorization
  • Configuration management
  • Resource provider communication
  • Heartbeat monitoring
  • Log collection and streaming to Sentinel
  • Security monitoring and alerting

Integration Architecture

graph TD
    A[On-Prem/Multi-Cloud Server] --> B[Azure Arc Agent]
    B --> C[Azure Control Plane]
    A --> D[Azure Monitor Agent]
    D --> E[Data Collection Rules]
    E --> F[Log Analytics Workspace]
    F --> G[Microsoft Sentinel]
    B -.-> D[Manages]

The Hidden Complexities

Before diving into our solution, it's important to understand the challenges we faced in our environment. These insights will help you avoid similar pitfalls in your deployment.

Network Architecture Challenges

graph LR
    A[On-Prem DC] -->|Proxy| B[DMZ]
    B -->|Firewall| C[Internet]
    C -->|443| D[Azure Control Plane]
    D -->|Log Ingestion| E[Sentinel]
    A -->|Legacy Apps| F[Internal Services]

In our enterprise environment, servers were distributed across multiple network segments with varying levels of internet access. Many servers accessed Azure through proxy servers, which introduced additional authentication and TLS inspection challenges.

Common Failure Patterns

During our initial deployment attempts, we encountered these primary failure patterns:

# Most frequent error patterns
$commonErrors = @{
    "Connectivity" = @{
        "Arc" = "Unable to reach *.management.azure.com",
        "AMA" = "Cannot connect to *.ods.opinsights.azure.com"
    "Authentication" = @{
        "Arc" = "Service principal credentials invalid",
        "AMA" = "Workspace key validation failed"
    "TLS" = "The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship"

These errors resulted in a 23% failure rate during our initial deployment wave, with network connectivity issues accounting for nearly 70% of all failures. The remaining issues were split between authentication problems and TLS/certificate validation errors.

Solution Design: The Enhanced Framework

After analyzing our failure patterns, we developed a comprehensive framework that addresses both Arc and AMA deployment needs.

Why This Matters: A structured approach to deployment significantly reduces troubleshooting time and increases success rates. Our framework is designed to systematically validate prerequisites, deploy agents, and confirm successful integration with Sentinel.

flowchart TD
    A[Pre-Installation Check] --> B{System Requirements}
    B -->|Pass| C[Network Validation]
    B -->|Fail| D[System Remediation]
    C -->|Pass| E[Arc Installation]
    E --> F[AMA Installation]
    F --> G[DCR Configuration]
    G --> H[Sentinel Validation]
    H -->|Success| I[Monitoring Active]
    H -->|Failure| J[Diagnostic Tree]

Building the Foundation

Step 1: Prerequisites Assessment Framework

Why It Matters: Before installing any agents, we need to confirm three critical things:

  1. The server meets all technical requirements (OS version, PowerShell version)
  2. The server can connect to all required Azure endpoints
  3. The Log Analytics workspace is accessible with our credentials

The following function handles these checks in a single operation:

function Test-ArcAMAPrerequisites {
    # This function checks if a server meets all requirements for Arc and AMA installation
    param (
        [string]$ServerName,        # The name of the server we're checking
        [string]$Environment,       # Which environment this server belongs to (Dev/Test/Prod)
        [string]$WorkspaceId        # The Log Analytics workspace ID where data will be sent

    # Create a results object to store all our validation checks
    $results = @{
        # Check OS version - Arc has minimum OS requirements
        "OS_Version" = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object Version

        # Check PowerShell version - Arc requires PowerShell 5.1 or higher
        "PowerShell_Version" = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion

        # Check TLS version - Azure services require TLS 1.2
        "TLS_Version" = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol

        # Test connectivity to Arc services
        "Arc_Connectivity" = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName "management.azure.com" -Port 443

        # Test connectivity to Log Analytics ingestion endpoints
        "AMA_Connectivity" = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName "ods.opinsights.azure.com" -Port 443

        # Validate the Log Analytics workspace exists and is accessible
        "Workspace_Validation" = Test-LAWorkspace -WorkspaceId $WorkspaceId

    # Return all test results for analysis
    return $results

Function Summary: This function performs a comprehensive health check before you attempt to deploy Azure Arc and AMA agents. It validates that the server meets all technical prerequisites and can successfully connect to all required Azure endpoints. Think of it as a pre-flight checklist that helps prevent failed deployments by identifying issues before they cause problems.

Complex Parts Explained:

  • The connectivity tests are particularly important because network connectivity issues are the most common cause of deployment failures. These tests verify that your server can reach both the Azure control plane (for Arc) and the Log Analytics ingestion endpoints (for AMA).
  • The Test-LAWorkspace function would verify that the provided Workspace ID is valid and accessible with current credentials, which is essential for AMA to function properly.

Step 2: Creating Data Collection Rules

Why It Matters: Data Collection Rules (DCRs) determine what data is collected and where it's sent. For security monitoring, we need to carefully define which security events to collect to ensure we have visibility into potential threats without overwhelming our systems with irrelevant data.

function New-DataCollectionRule {
    # This function creates a new Data Collection Rule to specify what logs to collect
    param (
        [string]$Name,              # A descriptive name for this rule
        [string]$ResourceGroup,     # Azure resource group where the DCR will be created
        [string]$WorkspaceId,       # The Log Analytics workspace that will receive the data
        [array]$DataSources         # What data sources to collect (event logs, performance data, etc.)

    # Create the DCR configuration object
    $dcrBody = @{
        properties = @{
            # Define the data flow - how data moves from source to destination
            dataFlow = @(
                    # Specify we want security events
                    streams = @("Microsoft-SecurityEvent")
                    # Send to our Sentinel workspace
                    destinations = @("sentinel-workspace")
                    # Use the original data without transformation
                    transformKql = "source"
            # Define where the collected data should be sent
            destinations = @{
                logAnalytics = @(
                        # Reference to our Log Analytics workspace
                        workspaceResourceId = $WorkspaceId
                        # A friendly name we'll reference in the dataFlow section
                        name = "sentinel-workspace"
            # Define what data should be collected from each server
            dataSources = $DataSources

    # Create the DCR in Azure using the Azure PowerShell cmdlets
    return New-AzDataCollectionRule -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Name $Name -Location $Location -RuleBody $dcrBody

Function Summary: This function creates a Data Collection Rule (DCR) in Azure, which is essentially a monitoring configuration profile. The DCR defines what data AMA should collect from your servers (like security events), and specifies that this data should be sent to your Sentinel-connected workspace. Think of it as creating a customized monitoring plan that focuses specifically on security-relevant data.

Complex Parts Explained:

  • The dataFlow section creates a pipeline from data source to destination. It specifies which data streams to collect, where to send them, and whether to transform the data along the way.
  • The nested hashtable structure reflects the JSON structure expected by the Azure API, which is why there are multiple levels of @{} objects.
  • The transformKql parameter allows you to filter or modify the data using Kusto Query Language before it reaches the destination, though in this example we're sending the unmodified source data.

Step 3: AMA and Sentinel Integration

Why It Matters: The core of our security monitoring strategy revolves around proper AMA configuration and Sentinel integration. This step connects your server's security events directly to your security monitoring platform, providing real-time visibility into potential threats.

function Deploy-AMAConfiguration {
    # This function deploys and configures the Azure Monitor Agent with Sentinel integration
    param (
        [string]$ServerName,        # The Arc-enabled server to configure
        [string]$WorkspaceId,       # Log Analytics workspace ID
        [string]$WorkspaceKey,      # Log Analytics workspace access key
        [hashtable]$SentinelConfig  # Configuration details for Sentinel integration

    try {
        # Create the configuration for the AMA agent
        $amaConfig = @{
            # Workspace credentials for authentication
            workspaceId = $WorkspaceId
            workspaceKey = $WorkspaceKey
            # Define which monitoring extensions to enable
            extensions = @(
                    # Enable collection of security events
                    name = "SecurityEvents"
                    enabled = $true
                    # Configure which security events to collect
                    settings = @{
                        StreamType = "Microsoft-SecurityEvent"
                        # Only collect critical, error, and warning events
                        FilterExpression = "Level = 1 or Level = 2 or Level = 3"

        # Install the AMA agent with our configuration
        $deploymentResult = Install-AzMonitorAgent -Name $ServerName -Config $amaConfig

        # Now create a Data Collection Rule for more granular control
        $dcrParams = @{
            # Create a descriptive name including the server name
            Name = "ARC-$ServerName-SecurityEvents"
            ResourceGroup = $SentinelConfig.ResourceGroup
            WorkspaceId = $WorkspaceId
            # Define which security events to collect
            DataSources = @(
                    # Target the Windows Security event log
                    eventLogName = "Security"
                    streams = @("Microsoft-SecurityEvent")
                    # XPath query to filter for specific events (levels 1-3)
                    xPathQueries = @("*[System[(Level=1 or Level=2 or Level=3)]]")

        # Create the DCR in Azure
        $dcr = New-DataCollectionRule @dcrParams

        # Associate the DCR with our server to activate data collection
        New-AzDataCollectionRuleAssociation -TargetResourceId $ServerName -AssociationName "ARC-Security" -RuleId $dcr.Id

        # Return success status and objects for reference
        return @{
            Status = "Success"
            AMADeployment = $deploymentResult
            DCR = $dcr
    catch {
        # Handle and report any errors during deployment
        Write-Error "AMA Configuration failed: $_"

# Example Sentinel query to validate data ingestion
$sentinelQuery = @"
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where Computer == '$ServerName'
| summarize count() by EventID, Activity
| order by count_ desc

Function Summary: This function handles the complete deployment and configuration of the Azure Monitor Agent (AMA) on an Arc-enabled server, with a specific focus on security monitoring for Sentinel. It installs the agent, creates a customized Data Collection Rule focusing on security events, and associates that rule with the server. The result is a fully configured monitoring solution that streams security-relevant data to your Sentinel workspace.

Complex Parts Explained:

  • The function creates two configurations: first, a basic AMA configuration that enables the SecurityEvents extension, and then a more detailed Data Collection Rule that gives finer control over exactly which events to collect.
  • The XPath query syntax (*[System[(Level=1 or Level=2 or Level=3)]]) is a standard way to filter Windows event logs, selecting only events with levels 1-3 (critical, error, and warning).
  • The example Sentinel query at the end is a KQL (Kusto Query Language) query that helps validate your setup is working correctly by checking if security events from your server are flowing into Sentinel.

Before implementing this framework, our security team struggled to maintain visibility across our hybrid environment. Security events from on-premises servers were collected inconsistently, and incident response was delayed by the need to manually check multiple systems. With Arc and AMA feeding security events directly to Sentinel, our average detection time for suspicious activities dropped from 3.2 hours to 18 minutes.

Key Takeaways

  1. Integrated Agent Management Matters

    • Arc and AMA deployment should be coordinated
    • Document dependencies thoroughly
    • Build flexible deployment scripts that handle both agents
  2. Network Configuration is Critical

    • Test connectivity patterns for both Arc and AMA endpoints
    • Document proxy configurations for all required endpoints
    • Validate Sentinel log ingestion paths
  3. Security Monitoring Integration

    • Design data collection rules carefully
    • Consider log volume and retention requirements
    • Plan for scale in Sentinel workspace configuration

Looking Ahead

In Part 2 of this series, we'll dive deep into the troubleshooting framework I developed, including:

  • Detailed diagnostic functions for both Arc and AMA
  • Automated remediation workflows
  • Sentinel log validation matrices
  • Result analysis tools

The framework we'll explore has reduced our deployment failure rate from 23% to under 2% and cut troubleshooting time by 60%, while ensuring consistent security monitoring across our hybrid estate.

Resources and References

Stay tuned for Part 2, where we'll explore building a robust troubleshooting framework for Azure Arc and AMA deployments.

What challenges have you faced with Azure Arc and AMA deployments? Share your experiences in the comments below.

Continue to Part 2: Building a Robust Azure Arc Troubleshooting Framework →

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Written by

Topaz Hurvitz
Topaz Hurvitz