🥸Become a systemd Monitoring Ninja!🥷

Ronald BartelsRonald Bartels
2 min read

1️⃣ Check All Active and Inactive Services

systemctl list-units --type=service --all

🔹 This shows all services, whether active, inactive, or failed.

2️⃣ Check All Active Timers

systemctl list-timers --all

🔹 This displays all systemd timers, including when they last ran and when they will run next.

3️⃣ Show the Status of a Specific Service

systemctl status <service-name>

🔹 Example: Check the status of cron:

systemctl status cron.service

4️⃣ Show the Status of a Specific Timer

systemctl status <timer-name>.timer

🔹 Example: Check a custom-reboot timer:

systemctl status custom-reboot.timer

5️⃣ Check Failed Units Only

systemctl --failed

🔹 This only shows failed services, helping with troubleshooting.

6️⃣ Get a Summary of All Services (Including Failed Ones)

systemctl list-units --type=service --state=failed

🔹 Shows only failed services.

7️⃣ Check If a Specific Service is Enabled at Boot

systemctl is-enabled <service-name>

🔹 Example: Check if ssh starts on boot:

systemctl is-enabled ssh
  • Output:

    • enabled ✅ → Runs on boot

    • disabled ❌ → Does not run on boot

    • static 🔄 → Dependency of another service

8️⃣ Get a One-Liner Summary of All Systemd Services

systemctl list-units --type=service --no-pager

🔹 This gives a concise list of all services.

Bonus: Interactive TUI (ncurses) Tools

If you prefer a ncurses-based interface:

1️⃣ systemd-cgtop → Shows systemd resource usage (CPU, Memory, etc.)


2️⃣ systemd-analyze blame → Shows slow-starting services

systemd-analyze blame

3️⃣ systemd-analyze critical-chain → Shows slow dependencies in the boot sequence

systemd-analyze critical-chain

Summary Table 📊

systemctl list-units --type=service --allShow all services (active & inactive)
systemctl list-timers --allList all timers
systemctl status <unit>Show status of a unit
systemctl --failedShow only failed services
systemctl is-enabled <unit>Check if a service runs at boot
systemd-analyze blameShow slow-starting services
systemd-analyze critical-chainShow dependency delays in boot
systemd-cgtopShow systemd CPU/memory usage

🚀 Now you're a systemd monitoring ninja! 😎

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Written by

Ronald Bartels
Ronald Bartels

Driving SD-WAN Adoption in South Africa