Two Pointer Problems Pattern

Himanshu KumarHimanshu Kumar
4 min read

1. Opposite Direction (Two-pointer from Ends)

โœ… Use When:

  • You need to find pairs in a sorted array.

  • You need to check if a string/array is a palindrome.

  • You are finding an optimal solution between two boundaries (like maximum area, min/max sum).

๐Ÿ”น Examples:

  • Two Sum (Sorted Array) โ†’ Find if two numbers add up to a target.

  • Checking Palindrome โ†’ "racecar" โ†’ Yes, "hello" โ†’ No

  • Container with Most Water โ†’ Find the max area between two vertical lines.

๐Ÿ›  How to Apply:

  • Start with one pointer at the beginning and one at the end.

  • Move pointers towards each other based on conditions.

2. Same Direction (Two-pointer moving forward)

โœ… Use When:

  • You need to merge two sorted arrays/lists.

  • You need to find the longest or shortest subarray/substring.

  • You are iterating through a sorted structure while maintaining constraints.

๐Ÿ”น Examples:

  • Merging Two Sorted Arrays โ†’ arr1 = [1,3,5], arr2 = [2,4,6] โ†’ [1,2,3,4,5,6]

  • Finding Longest Subarray with Sum โ‰ค K โ†’ Find the longest contiguous subarray where sum โ‰ค K.

๐Ÿ›  How to Apply:

  • Use two pointers that move forward while checking conditions.

  • Advance one or both pointers as needed.

3. Sliding Window (Variable Size)

โœ… Use When:

  • You need to find the longest/shortest subarray that satisfies a condition.

  • You need to find the smallest window that contains certain elements.

  • You are working with substring/subarray optimization problems.

๐Ÿ”น Examples:

  • Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters โ†’ "abcabcbb" โ†’ "abc"

  • Smallest Subarray with Sum โ‰ฅ K โ†’ [2,3,1,2,4,3], K=7 โ†’ [4,3]

๐Ÿ›  How to Apply:

  • Start with one pointer expanding the window.

  • Move the other pointer to shrink when constraints are exceeded.

4. Split & Merge (Divide & Conquer)

โœ… Use When:

  • You need to divide an array into two halves and solve recursively.

  • You are implementing Merge Sort or Quick Sort.

  • The problem involves breaking down and recombining.

๐Ÿ”น Examples:

  • Merge Sort (Recursive Merge Step)

  • Find the Median of Two Sorted Arrays โ†’ Divide both arrays and find the median.

๐Ÿ›  How to Apply:

  • Recursively split an array into two halves.

  • Use merge logic (often a two-pointer technique) to recombine sorted halves.

5. Running from the Beginning of Two Arrays (Merging Two Arrays)

โœ… Use When:

  • You need to merge sorted lists/arrays efficiently.

  • You are finding the intersection/union of two sorted lists.

  • The problem involves scanning two lists in a linear pass.

๐Ÿ”น Examples:

  • Merging Two Sorted Arrays โ†’ arr1 = [1,3,5], arr2 = [2,4,6]

  • Intersection of Two Sorted Arrays โ†’ arr1 = [1,2,3,4], arr2 = [2,4,6] โ†’ [2,4]

๐Ÿ›  How to Apply:

  • Use two pointers, one on each list, moving forward.

  • Compare elements at both pointers and take the smaller one.

6. Slow & Fast Pointers (Floydโ€™s Tortoise and Hare)

โœ… Use When:

  • You need to find the middle of a linked list.

  • You need to detect a cycle in a linked list.

  • The problem involves skipping elements at different speeds.

๐Ÿ”น Examples:

  • Finding the Middle of a Linked List โ†’ head โ†’ [1,2,3,4,5] โ†’ middle = 3

  • Cycle Detection in a Linked List (Floydโ€™s Algorithm)

๐Ÿ›  How to Apply:

  • Use one slow pointer (moves 1 step) and one fast pointer (moves 2 steps).

  • There is a cycle if the fast pointer catches up to the slow pointer.

  • If you want to find the middle, stop when the fast pointer reaches the end.

Summary Table

TypeWhen to UseExample Problems
Opposite DirectionFinding pairs, palindromes, max/min valuesTwo Sum (Sorted), Palindrome Check, Container with Most Water
Same DirectionMerging lists, longest/shortest subarraysMerging Two Sorted Arrays, Longest Subarray โ‰ค K
Sliding WindowFinding the longest/shortest substring/subarrayLongest Substring Without Repeating
Split & Merge (Divide & Conquer)Breaking arrays into halves, recursive mergingMerge Sort, Median of Two Sorted Arrays
Running from Start (Two Arrays)Merging sorted arrays, finding intersectionsIntersection of Two Sorted Arrays
Slow & Fast PointersLinked list cycles are in the middle of the list.Floyd's Cycle Detection.
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Written by

Himanshu Kumar
Himanshu Kumar

Tech enthusiast and problem-solver with a flair for creating impactful digital experiences. always pushing boundaries, solving real-world problems, and building solutions that make a difference.