Git Internship Week 11: Patch Acceptance

After many iterations and reviews of my patches and project, it has been accepted and is ready to be merged into the next branch of the Git codebase. Below is an extract from the Git contribution guidelines that explains what the next branch is about:
“When it is ready for wider testing, it will be merged into next. Plenty of early testers use next and may report issues. Eventually, changes in next will make it to master."
In my previous blogs, I have discussed my project and how it has transformed from one form to another. The final implementation, which was accepted, involves adding the operating system name to the existing agent capability in the Git v2 protocol (allowing the OS name to be shared between the Git Client and Server for statistical analysis, security, and debugging purposes).
The existing agent capability is in the form of "package/version" (e.g., "git/"). I extended it to include the OS name in the form "package/version-os" (e.g., "git/").
The next step is to wait for the patches to be merged into the Git codebase and address any issues that arise during the merging process or any concerns raised by other contributors.
I mentioned sending another iteration of patches that remove the_repository
global variable to the mailing list soon. I have sent it, but I received another review suggesting a rethink of the implementation details. To understand and develop a new implementation, I will be studying the Git codebase to learn how the config interfaces are implemented, which is something I will be working on next.
As part of my Outreachy internship and my effort to learn from the experiences of other Git community members, I met two amazing Git contributors this week: Philip Wood and Patrick Steinhardt. I learned a lot from both of them, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to meet and learn from them.
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Usman Akinyemi
Usman Akinyemi
Blogging about my Outreachy Internship @Git. My Git fork - for mentor review before sending patches to Git public email. Github LInk