Bicep Templates: Advantages Over Azure ARM Templates

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates have long been the standard for infrastructure as code (IaC) in Azure. However, Bicep, a newer domain-specific language (DSL), offers several key advantages that simplify the process of deploying and managing Azure resources.
One major advantage of Bicep is its improved readability and writability. Unlike ARM templates, which use a JSON structure that can become complex and difficult to read, Bicep utilizes a more concise and intuitive syntax. This makes Bicep templates easier to write, understand, and maintain, particularly for large deployments.
Another key benefit is the improved developer experience. Bicep offers features like auto-completion, linting, and built-in functions that streamline the development process and reduce the risk of errors. This increased developer productivity leads to faster and more reliable deployments.
Consider the following example: deploying a virtual network and subnet. In ARM, this would require a nested JSON structure, while in Bicep, the same task can be accomplished with less verbose code. This difference becomes even more significant when deploying complex deployments involving multiple dependent resources.
Let's illustrate with a simple example. Deploying a simple storage account in ARM requires extensive JSON nesting, whereas in Bicep, the structure is much cleaner:
param location string = resourceGroup().location
param storageAccountName string
resource storageAccount 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2021-09-01' = {
name: storageAccountName
location: location
kind: 'StorageV2'
sku: {
name: 'Standard_LRS'
Bicep's improved syntax and enhanced developer experience make it a compelling alternative to ARM templates for infrastructure-as-code deployments in Azure. Its conciseness and readability improve maintainability and reduce the likelihood of errors, ultimately leading to more efficient and reliable deployments.
For further reading and more advanced Bicep examples, refer to the official Microsoft documentation on Bicep:
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