Practical Guide to Certora Formal Verification Contests

Alex ZoidAlex Zoid
6 min read

What are Certora contests? How do they differ from standard audit competitions? How do you get started? Are there any specific nuances? You’ll find the answers to all of these questions here. At the time of writing this article, I’ve participated in nine contests over the past 1.5 years and climbed to the top of the leaderboard.

This tutorial is divided into two parts:

  1. General information about contests.

  2. A practical walkthrough - a step-by-step guide to catching a public mutation from the previous Uniswap V4 contest.

Overview of Certora Contests

Certora contests revolve around Formal Verification (FV). FV isn’t meant to replace other security measures; it's an additional layer on top of manual reviews (including static analyzers, integrity checks, or fuzzing tests). That’s why Certora contests often complement standard audit contests, such as those held by code4arena,, and cantina. This is fantastic because you can participate in both contests and FV pools simultaneously.

You can find announcements on Certora’s official site under the community contests page, as well as on Discord or Twitter.

Core Tasks

If you come from regular audit contests, you know you’re typically paid for finding bugs and writing PoCs: the more unique bugs you find, the larger your share of the prize. However, in Certora contests, you’re rewarded for writing FV specifications. The higher the quality of your specifications, the larger your incentive.

You can think of it like writing tests: you write a rule that proves a particular part of the code must behave in a specific way. If the code behaves as assumed, the rule passes. Otherwise (when a mutation is introduced), it violates.

FV specifications consist of rules and invariants in a Solidity-like language called CVL. Rules that focus on high-level properties with broad coverage are more likely to catch multiple mutations (planted bugs). For instance, in the Euler contest, a single high-level invariant caught all 3 public mutations:

For more examples, check out my past contest repositories for Euler and UniswapV4. You’ll also find numerous example rules in Certora’s public audit reports.

Work Evaluation

The judging process leverages mutation testing. It modifies the source code and checks whether those modifications are caught by your specifications. Each mutation is a modified copy of the source code file.

The best mutations introduce realistic mistakes:

/// @dev overrides solmate transferFrom in case a notification to subscribers is needed
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 id) public virtual override {
    // mutation: replace 'to' with 'address(this)'
    super.transferFrom(from, address(this), id);
    if (positionInfo[id].hasSubscriber()) _notifyTransfer(id, from, to);

Or break core invariants:

// mutation: add pullPushAssets function
function pullPushAssets(VaultCache memory vaultCache, address to, address from, Assets amount) public virtual {
    vaultCache.asset.safeTransferFrom(from, address(this), amount.toUint(), permit2); = = + amount; = = - amount;
    vaultCache.asset.safeTransfer(to, amount.toUint());

Each mutation is a separate modified copy of the source code file. The judging process is:

  1. Run all your specs to ensure they don’t fail on the source code.

  2. Replace the original contract with a mutated copy.

  3. Run all your specs again and check if at least one fails, catching the mutation.

In Certora contests, there are two types of mutations: public and private.

  • Public mutations are shared at the start of the contest. They’re tied to a smaller Participation pool and help new participants understand how mutations work.

  • Private mutations are revealed after the contest ends. They’re tied to the main Coverage pool and allow judges to evaluate the quality of your specifications more comprehensively.

Prize Pool Distribution

Yes, Certora contests have a separate judging process and prize pool - often up to $100k. In recent contests, the FV pool has been split into three categories:

  1. Participation (10% of pool): Awarded for properties that identify public mutants. Think of it as a guaranteed incentive for contributing.

  2. Real Bugs (20% of pool): Awarded for properties that uncover legitimate bugs within the FV scope or related contracts. If no real bugs are found, this part of the pool rolls over to Coverage.

  3. Coverage (70% of pool): Awarded for properties that identify private mutants (revealed after the contest ends). Each mutation is weighted, and the fewer participants who catch a mutation, the larger the reward for those who do.

Practice Part

Let’s go through the step-by-step process of the FV contest. We’ll use a previous Uniswap V4 contest to build a specification for a public mutation.

For a detailed Certora setup, see First Steps with Certora Formal Verification tutorial.

All Certora contests have a dedicated repo containing:

  • A clone of the project’s main repo.

  • A certora folder with FV-related materials.

  • A contest-specific README with essential details.

Always read the README carefully, as it will guide you through the contest setup.

Import the repo

Create a private repo named your_handle/uniswap-v4-periphery-cantina-fv and import the public contest repo. For example:

git clone
cd uniswap-v4-periphery-cantina-fv
# move to the right commit at the start of contest
git reset --HARD 5c2f7a46b0c0edb361989fd4d17a5885979f9da8
git push --mirror
cd ../

Then clone your new private repo and build:

git clone
cd uniswap-v4-periphery-cantina-fv
forge build

In a real contest, you’ll add the judges as collaborators (their GitHub handles are in the contest readme) so they can access your specs after the contest ends.

A ready-to-use example repo with this tutorial’s rule is available here.

Check that everything is working

A typical initial configuration includes a built-in sanity rule that checks for any functions that always revert or time out. You might also see some example rules.

Run the prover:

certoraRun certora/confs/PositionManager.conf

I got this link:

No violations occurred, which is great!

Write a rule for a public mutation

Now, let’s examine the public mutation PositionManager_P0.sol:

/// @dev overrides solmate transferFrom in case a notification to subscribers is needed
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 id) public virtual override {
    // mutation: replace 'to' with 'address(this)'
    super.transferFrom(from, address(this), id);
    if (positionInfo[id].hasSubscriber()) _notifyTransfer(id, from, to);

The mutation changes the destination address to address(this). In English, we want a rule: “The destination address should always receive the token during a transfer.” So we can add this to certora/specs/PositionManager.spec:

// The destination address can always receive the token during a transfer
rule destinationCanReceiveToken(env e, address from, address to, uint256 id) {

    transferFrom(e, from, to, id);

    assert(ownerOf(e, id) == to);

Then run (with --rule parameter execute only our rule):

certoraRun certora/confs/PositionManager.conf --rule destinationCanReceiveToken

The rule passes on the original code:

Test your rule against the mutation

A quick test is to temporarily replace the original src/PositionManager.sol with the mutated certora/mutations/PositionManager/PositionManager_P0.sol, then run the prover again:

certoraRun certora/confs/PositionManager.conf --rule destinationCanReceiveToken

I got this link:

This time, the rule is violated on the mutated code, which means it successfully catches the public mutation. Remember to revert PositionManager.sol afterward.

Test with the mutation engine

Certora’s certoraMutate framework offers an automated mutation engine called Gambit, plus a web dashboard and server infrastructure for parallel testing.

It can check both manually added mutations and automatically generated ones (small modifications like changing arithmetic operators, commenting out lines, etc.). In the certora/confs/PositionManager.conf file, you’ll see something like:

"mutations": {
    "gambit": [
            "filename" : "src/PositionManager.sol",
            "num_mutants": 5
    "manual_mutants": [
            "file_to_mutate": "src/PositionManager.sol",
            "mutants_location": "certora/mutations/PositionManager"


certoraMutate certora/confs/PositionManager.conf

Under the hood, it:

  1. Runs your spec against the original code.

  2. Generates 5 Gambit mutations to test automatically.

  3. Tests each manual mutation in certora/mutations/PositionManager one by one.

For my run, I got: You can see that the destinationCanReceiveToken rule catches the PositionManager_P0 mutation.

Good luck in future Certora contests, and remember that the key to success is writing broad, high-level rules that can catch multiple types of changes.

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Written by

Alex Zoid
Alex Zoid

Providing Certora Formal Verification