AWS Autoscaling with SNS Route53 ALB Target Groups Alarms

Apurv SamadderApurv Samadder
4 min read

We will create Autoscaling Group configuration with SNS Route53 ALB Target Groups Alarms

2 Type of AutoScalling

—> Vertical : Basically vertical autoscalling, increase the capacity of instance by increaseing the size of server. I doning so , it firstly turnoff the instance recreates a new instance of more capacity and then again run the load. It creates Downtime.

—> Horizontal : Horizontal does the same thing , but it does it differently. It increases the capacity by creating new instance of same size and then distributes the workload on it.

Horizontal Atuoscalling is also know as HPA in Kubernetes.

Steps ::

1 ) Create Launch Templates ::

Go to Launch Templates —> Give name —> Template Version ( Optionla) —> AMI = My AMI ( Below is the reference for AMI) —> Instance type = t2.micro —> Key pair —> Add user data (mentioned in plain text)

We will not give and Security Groups or subnets.

sudo apt update
ansible-playbook /myrepo/playbook.yaml

Click on Launch Template.

AMI Creation :: This is already done on AMI with Hashicorp Packer. Below are the 2 files we created have kept in github, check below URL

And follow below commands to create ami

packer validate --var-file packer-vars.json packer.json
packer inspect --var-file packer-vars.json packer.json
packer build --var-file packer-vars.json packer.json

📌 Make sure the Subnet you are using while creating a EC2 instance should have Auto Assign public IP enables

2) Create Target Group ::

Before this create a VPC and , enable Auto assign the Public Ip

Instance —> Target Group Name —> HTTP —> VPC = Your newly created VPC with Auto Assign public IP enabled on it (As Mentioned in Above) —> Next —> Dont Select anything —> create target Group

3) Create Load Balancer :

Create ALB —> Name —> Internet Facing —> VPC, that you created ( Select all public Subnet ) —> Security Groups —> Listner & routing ( HTTP & HTTPS ) Select the TG you created —> Select the certificate you created in old demos. —> create Load balancer.

4 ) Updating in DNS

GO to CloudFlare —> Go to Domain and update the DNS records

GIve domain name and ASG LB DNS name

5) Create SNS (Simple Notification Service)

AWS SNS —> Create Topic —> Standard —> Give some name —> create Topic

After topic is created —> create subscription —> Email —> email id , where alert wil be received,

open you email and Approve your subscription.

Go back to SNS and Refresh —> you will see its confirmed

6 ) Autoscalling group

Create ASG —> Give some name —> Give Launch Template that we created —> Select the VPC you created —> Select only Public Zones —> Attach an existing Load Balancer you created in previous steps) —> No VPC services —> Health Check ✅ Turn on Elastic Load balacing health check —> 90 second —> Next —> Desired Capacity =1 —> scaling Min =1 and Max =4 —> No Scaling Policies —> Next —> Add notification ( Already created SNS, select that) —> Next —> Create Scaling Group

7) Cloud Watch Alarm

Go to cloud Watch Alarm —> Alarms —> select metrics —> EC2 —> By Auto Scaling group —> CPU Utilization —> Select Metrics —>


Notification —> In Alarm —> Select Exisitng SNS topic —> Next —> >40 —> Next Create Alarm

Similary We need to create Alarm for <35

Notification —> In Alarm —> Select Exisitng SNS topic —> Next —> <35 —> Next Create Alarm

7 ) Dynamic scalling

Go to Auto Scalling Groups —> Automatic scaling —> Create Dynamic Scaling —> Policy Type —> Step Scaling —> HIhgt > 40 (Scaling policy Name) —> Cloudwatch Alarm ( > 40) select —> Take action “ADD“ , Below is what we need to ADD and then Create

8 ) Create Another Policy

Go to Auto Scalling Groups —> Automatic scaling —> Create Dynamic Scaling —> Policy Type —> Simple Scaling —> Cloudwatch Alarm ( <35) select —> Take action “REMOVE“ , Below is what we need to REMOVE and then Create

10 )Now got and connec to Ec2 instance and give the Stress to that machine , it will create Instances and then send an email as well

stress --cpu 8 --io 4 --vm 2 --vm-bytes 128 --timeout 10s

Thanks for Reading it till here, Please implement it as well !!!

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Written by

Apurv Samadder
Apurv Samadder