Securing Ziti Identities with HSM/TPM

Eugene KobyakovEugene Kobyakov
3 min read

Regular readers of this blog know that OpenZiti provides secure overlay networking between Ziti identities. You can improve security of your OpenZiti edge identities by using hardware-based private keys. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on integrating hardware security with OpenZiti. It uses Linux built-in TPM as a hardware security device. Similar steps will also work with other HSM devices.

This is How I (en)Roll

On my Linux(Ubuntu) laptop I check that the kernel detected TPM hardware and created a device for it.

ziggy@hermes:~$ ls -l /dev/tpm*
crw-rw---- 1 tss root  10,   224 Apr 26 14:41 /dev/tpm0
crw-rw---- 1 tss tss  253, 65536 Apr 26 14:41 /dev/tpmrm0

Device /dev/tpmrm0 is there, so I can proceed.

Add my user to the tss group so that the TPM device can be accessed. You will probably need to restart your login shell for that to take effect, check your groups with id command.

ziggy@hermes:~$ sudo usermod -G tss -a ziggy

Install some useful software packages to interact with the TPM device

  • libtpm2-pkcs11-tools - includes tmp2_ptool to initialize PKCS#11 token on TPM device

  • libtpm2-pkcs11-1 - TPM PKCS#11 library

  • opensc - includes pkcs11-tool for interacting with PKCS#11 token. This is not needed for OpenZiti enrollment but is useful for inspecting tokens

ziggy@hermes:~$ sudo apt install libtpm2-pkcs11-tools libtpm2-pkcs11-1 opensc

Now that I have access to the device and the needed software I can initialize the token and test PKCS#11 driver access to it

ziggy@hermes:~$ tpm2_ptool init
action: Created
id: 1

ziggy@hermes:~$ tpm2_ptool addtoken --pid 1 --sopin 1111 --userpin ziggy1 --label ziggy-tpm

ziggy@hermes:~/ziti$ pkcs11-tool --module /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkcs11/ --list-slots
WARNING: Getting tokens from fapi backend failed.
Available slots:
Slot 0 (0x1): ziggy-tpm
  token label        : ziggy-tpm
  token manufacturer : Infineon
  token model        : SLB9665
  token flags        : login required, rng, token initialized, PIN initialized
  hardware version   : 1.16
  firmware version   : 5.62
  serial num         : 0000000000000000
  pin min/max        : 0/128
Slot 1 (0x2): 
  token state:   uninitialized

Note: fapi backend warning can be ignored.

To enroll I need to get an enrollment token from my Ziti controller. Once I have that I can enroll. Let’s enroll with ziti-edge-tunnel

# enroll identity with ziti-edge-tunnel
ziggy@hermes:~$ ziti-edge-tunnel enroll -j ./ziggy.jwt -i ziggy.json -k 'pkcs11:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkcs11/'
(1676722)[        0.000]    INFO ziti-sdk:utils.c:198 ziti_log_set_level() set log level: root=3/INFO
(1676722)[        0.000]    INFO ziti-sdk:utils.c:167 ziti_log_init() Ziti C SDK version 1.5.0 @ga39db85(HEAD) starting at (2025-02-24T15:21:31.292)
(1676722)[        0.000]    INFO ziti-sdk:ziti_enroll.c:112 ziti_enroll() Ziti C SDK version 1.5.0 @ga39db85(HEAD) starting enrollment at (2025-02-24T15:21:31.294)
(1676722)[        0.000]    INFO ziti-sdk:ziti_enroll.c:221 start_enrollment() pkcs11 key not found. trying to generate

ZIti identity is stores in the JSON file -- ziggy.json in my case. Let take a look

  "ztAPI": "https://<my-controller-address>:443",
  "id": {
    "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....",
    "key": "pkcs11:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/",
    "ca": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...."

As you can see the .id.key is referencing the private key stored in my laptop's TPM hardware. I can inspect it using pkcs11-tool

ziggy@hermes:~$ pkcs11-tool --module /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkcs11/ --list-objects --pin ziggy1          1 ↵
Using slot 0 with a present token (0x1)
Public Key Object; EC  EC_POINT 384 bits
  EC_POINT:   04610442fa885e120e9c63227aa7c53aeb84a52400264f3452fcf4dc4dbf4ade9ca46e7e15c4d37cc7a317edd860887ccd5746eea70cdea1d106b36b59297ecb93d43c57f4e8aef7029fa55f52cd740292d8de92fbce35c7788d3cc00f528cac2d0e4d
  EC_PARAMS:  06052b81040022 (OID
  label:      ziggy-key
  ID:         dad9d0f20cc1d9ec
  Usage:      encrypt, verify, wrap
  Access:     local
Private Key Object; EC
  label:      ziggy-key
  ID:         dad9d0f20cc1d9ec
  Usage:      decrypt, sign, unwrap
  Access:     sensitive, always sensitive, never extractable, local
  Allowed mechanisms: ECDSA,ECDSA-SHA1,ECDSA-SHA256,ECDSA-SHA384,ECDSA-SHA512

As you can see my TPM token ziggy-tpm now has two objects private, and public keys with same label and id. OpenZiti SDK will use that hardware key to provide identity.

Now I can start ziti-edge-tunnel with that identity:

ziggy@hermes:~$ sudo -E ziti-edge-tunnel run -i ziggy.json

Note: -E flag is required since I initialized TPM token as user ziggy and there are some support files created in the user’s $HOME directory.

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Written by

Eugene Kobyakov
Eugene Kobyakov