How to force DARK mode on any website!

Abu HurayrahAbu Hurayrah
1 min read

🌸 Bismillahir-rahmanir-raheem 🌸

You can enable dark mode on a website using the browser's developer console (Inspector). Here's how:

Method 1: Using CSS in the Console

  1. Open the Developer Console:

    • Press F12 or Ctrl + Shift + I (Windows/Linux)

    • Press Cmd + Option + I (Mac)

    • Navigate to the Console tab.

  2. Enter the following CSS to invert colors and simulate dark mode: = "invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg)";
    • This inverts the colors, making light backgrounds dark.

    • If images look weird, fix them using:

        document.querySelectorAll('img').forEach(img => = "invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg)");

Method 2: Add a Dark Mode CSS Rule

  1. Run this in the console:

     let style = document.createElement('style');
     style.innerHTML = `
       body {
         background-color: #121212 !important;
         color: #ffffff !important;
       a { color: #bb86fc !important; }
       img { filter: brightness(0.8); }
  2. This manually applies dark mode styles to the page.

Method 3: Simulate Dark Mode with prefers-color-scheme

Some websites support dark mode automatically. Force the browser to apply it with:'color-scheme', 'dark');

This works on sites that respect prefers-color-scheme: dark.

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Written by

Abu Hurayrah
Abu Hurayrah