Fundamentals of Feedforward Neural Networks (FNN)

Tushar PantTushar Pant
4 min read


Feedforward Neural Networks (FNNs) are the foundational building blocks of deep learning. They are the simplest type of artificial neural network where information flows in one direction—from the input layer, through hidden layers, to the output layer. Unlike recurrent neural networks, FNNs have no cycles or loops, making them ideal for tasks such as classification, regression, and pattern recognition.

What is a Feedforward Neural Network?

A Feedforward Neural Network (FNN) is a type of artificial neural network where connections between nodes do not form a cycle. In FNNs, information moves in a single direction—from input to output—without any feedback loops. This makes them suitable for tasks where the output depends only on the current input.

Key Characteristics:

  • Unidirectional Flow: Information flows in one direction without feedback loops.

  • Static Network: The output is solely determined by the current input, without memory of previous inputs.

  • Fully Connected Layers: Every neuron in one layer is connected to every neuron in the next layer.

How Does a Feedforward Neural Network Work?

  1. Input Layer: Receives the input features. Each neuron in this layer represents one input feature.

  2. Hidden Layers: Perform computations and extract features. There can be multiple hidden layers with non-linear activation functions.

  3. Output Layer: Produces the final prediction. For classification, it typically uses a Softmax activation function.

Example Workflow:

  1. Input data is passed to the input layer.

  2. The input is multiplied by weights and added to biases.

  3. The result passes through an activation function to introduce non-linearity.

  4. This process continues through all hidden layers.

  5. The final output is calculated in the output layer.

Architecture of Feedforward Neural Networks

1. Input Layer

  • Receives raw input features (x1,x2,...,xn).

  • Number of neurons = Number of input features.

  • No activation function is used in this layer.

2. Hidden Layers

  • Perform intermediate computations.

  • Each neuron is connected to all neurons in the previous and next layers (fully connected).

  • Non-linear activation functions are used to learn complex patterns.

  • Number of layers and neurons are hyperparameters to be tuned.

3. Output Layer

  • Produces the final output (e.g., class label, regression value).

  • Activation functions depend on the task:

    • Classification: Softmax, Sigmoid

    • Regression: Linear

Mathematical Foundations

  1. Linear Transformation:
    Each neuron performs a linear transformation of inputs:


  • z = Linear combination of inputs

  • wi = Weight of the input xix_i

  • b = Bias term

  1. Activation Function:
    The linear output is passed through an activation function to introduce non-linearity:


  • a = Activated output

  • σ = Activation function

Activation Functions Used in FNNs

Activation functions introduce non-linearity, allowing the network to learn complex patterns. Popular activation functions include:

1. Sigmoid

  • Range: (0, 1)

  • Used in: Output layers for binary classification

  • Problems: Vanishing gradient, slow convergence

2. Tanh (Hyperbolic Tangent)

  • Range: (-1, 1)

  • Used in: Hidden layers to center data around zero

  • Problems: Vanishing gradient

3. ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit)

  • Range: [0, ∞)

  • Used in: Hidden layers of deep networks

  • Advantages: Efficient computation, solves vanishing gradient

  • Problems: Dying ReLU (neurons can get stuck at zero)

4. Softmax

  • Range: (0, 1), sums to 1

  • Used in: Output layer for multi-class classification

Training Feedforward Neural Networks

Training FNNs involves:

  1. Forward Propagation: Calculating the output from input using weights, biases, and activation functions.

  2. Loss Calculation: Computing the difference between predicted and actual values using a loss function.

    • Common Loss Functions:

      • Mean Squared Error (MSE) for regression

      • Cross-Entropy Loss for classification

  3. Backward Propagation: Calculating gradients using the chain rule to update weights and biases.

  4. Optimization: Updating parameters using an optimization algorithm like Gradient Descent, Adam, or RMSProp.

Backpropagation Algorithm

  1. Compute the Loss:

  2. Calculate Gradients:

    • Partial derivatives of the loss function with respect to weights and biases.

    • Using the chain rule for multi-layer networks.

  3. Update Parameters:


  • η = Learning rate

Applications of Feedforward Neural Networks

  1. Classification: Image classification, spam detection, sentiment analysis.

  2. Regression: Stock price prediction, house price estimation.

  3. Pattern Recognition: Handwriting recognition, voice recognition.

  4. Function Approximation: Predicting complex non-linear functions.

Limitations of Feedforward Neural Networks

  • No Memory: Cannot handle sequential or time-series data.

  • Overfitting: Prone to overfitting on complex datasets.

  • High Computation Cost: Large networks require significant computational power.

  • Limited Generalization: Performance is highly dependent on the quality and quantity of training data.


  • Feedforward Neural Networks are the simplest type of artificial neural network where information moves in one direction.

  • They consist of Input Layer, Hidden Layers, and Output Layer.

  • Activation functions like ReLU, Sigmoid, and Softmax introduce non-linearity.

  • Training involves Forward Propagation, Loss Calculation, Backward Propagation, and Optimization.

  • They are suitable for tasks like classification, regression, and pattern recognition.


Feedforward Neural Networks are fundamental to deep learning and are widely used in real-world applications. Despite their limitations, they form the basis for more advanced architectures like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs).

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Written by

Tushar Pant
Tushar Pant