DevOps Project 1 | GitHub+Jenkins+Docker+ECR+Kubernetes

Asad RafiqueAsad Rafique
1 min read

Project Summary


  • GitHub Account

  • EC2 Instance

  • Jenkins Server

  • Docker

  • Kubernetes

  • ECR

GitHub is a web-based platform that hosts Git repositories and offers additional features such as issue tracking, pull requests, and code reviews. It allows developers to share and collaborate on their code with others.

We will use git hub in this project to work with the following code can be found in the repository;


We created an EC2 instance to install all the necessary packages we need.

Note: We use Ubuntu 20.04 for this project, but you can use any Linux OS.

Git Installation

  • First, we will install git, to install git we will use the following commands;

    sudo apt update

    sudo apt install git (in our case git is already installed in Ubuntu 20.04)

  • To test the installation of git

    git --version

Jenkins Installation

To install Jenkins we will refer to the document Jenkins Installation Instructions.

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Written by

Asad Rafique
Asad Rafique

I am familiar with Python, Java, Aws, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, CI/CD pipelines.