Boost Your JavaScript Skills: Strict Mode, Modern Variables, and Key Practices #2

Padmanava DasPadmanava Das
5 min read

Hi Bondhura!

Kamon Acho?

Today, we'll explore essential JavaScript concepts that can make your coding life easier and more robust. We’ll dive into Strict Mode , understand how to work with modern variables using let and const, and learn why the old var is now mostly a relic of the past. Along the way, I'll share some valuable tips and best practices to help you write cleaner, safer code.

1. Strict Mode: Code with Confidence

What is Strict Mode?

Imagine playing a board game with clear, well-defined rules. There’s no guessing what’s allowed or what isn’t. That’s what strict mode does in JavaScript—it enforces a cleaner, more secure way to write code by catching common mistakes early on.

How to Enable Strict Mode

To activate strict mode, simply add the following line at the very top of your script or within a function:

"use strict"; // Enabling strict mode

function greet() {
  console.log("Hello, world!");



  • Top Position: "use strict"; must appear at the very beginning of your script or function (apart from comments) to work correctly.

  • Scoped Application: You can apply strict mode globally for your script or locally within a specific function.

  • Irreversible: Once enabled in a scope, strict mode stays in effect for that scope.

2. Modern Variables: Using let & const

What Are Variables?

Think of variables as labeled boxes where you can store your favorite toys (or data). They hold values like strings, numbers, or objects, and you can change what's inside as needed.

Declaring Variables with let and const

The let Keyword

Use let when you expect the variable’s value to change.

"use strict";

let message = "Hello, world!";
console.log(message); // Outputs: Hello, world!

// Updating the value is perfectly fine with let
message = "Hello, JavaScript!";
console.log(message); // Outputs: Hello, JavaScript!

The const Keyword

Use const for values that you don't want to change after they’re set.

"use strict";

const OUR_PLANET = "Earth";
console.log("We live on " + OUR_PLANET);

// The following line would cause an error because OUR_PLANET is a constant:
// OUR_PLANET = "Mars";

Why use let and const?

  • Block Scope: They are limited to the block (i.e., within curly braces {}) in which they are defined, reducing unexpected behavior.

  • Clarity: Use const by default, and only use let when you know the variable's value will change. This makes your code more predictable.

3. var: The Old Timer of JavaScript

Before let and const, var was the standard way to declare variables. However, it comes with quirks that modern JavaScript aims to avoid.

Issues with var:

  • Function Scope vs. Block Scope: var is scoped to the entire function, not just the block. This can lead to unexpected results.

      if (true) {
        var greeting = "Hello with var!";
      console.log(greeting); // Outputs: "Hello with var!" even though it's inside an if-block.
  • Hoisting: Variables declared with var are “hoisted” (moved to the top of their scope) during compilation. This can cause confusion if you try to use them before they're defined.

      console.log(hoistedVar); // Outputs: undefined, not an error
      var hoistedVar = "I was hoisted!";

Why Prefer let and const Over var?

  • Predictability: With block-scoping, let and const ensure variables only exist where you intend them to.

  • Fewer Bugs: The pitfalls of hoisting and scope leakage with var can lead to subtle bugs that are hard to track down.

  • Modern Best Practices: Most modern coding standards and linters recommend avoiding var for cleaner, more maintainable code.

4. Tips & Best Practices

Use Strict Mode for Better Code Quality

  • Always Start with "use strict";: Place it at the top of your scripts to catch common mistakes early.

  • Function-Specific Strict Mode: If you’re working on a legacy codebase, consider enabling strict mode for new functions to gradually improve code quality.

Choose the Right Variable Declaration

  • Default to const: Use const unless you know the variable’s value will change.

  • Switch to let When Necessary: If the value must change (like counters in loops or user input), then use let.

  • Avoid var: Minimize or eliminate the use of var to prevent scope and hoisting issues.

Write Readable and Maintainable Code

  • Descriptive Names: Use meaningful names for variables (e.g., currentUser rather than just user).

  • Keep Your Scope Clear: Declare variables in the smallest scope possible to avoid unintended side effects.

  • Comment When Needed: Brief comments can help others (or future you) understand why certain choices were made.

5. Bringing It All Together: A Sample Code

Here's a little example that combines strict mode, modern variable declarations, and a cautionary note on var:

"use strict"; // Enable strict mode

// Modern variable declarations using let and const
let currentUser = "Rahul";      // This might change over time
const OUR_PLANET = "Earth";     // Our planet's name is constant

function greetUser() {
  console.log("Namaste " + currentUser + ", welcome to our beautiful " + OUR_PLANET + "!");

greetUser(); // Outputs: Namaste Rahul, welcome to our beautiful Earth!

// Example showing a pitfall of var:
function legacyVarExample() {
  if (true) {
    var oldVar = "I belong to the entire function!";
  console.log(oldVar); // This works, but it's risky since oldVar is accessible anywhere in the function.



JavaScript is a versatile language that has evolved significantly over the years. By embracing strict mode and using modern variable declarations (let and const), you can write safer, more predictable code. Understanding the quirks of var reminds us of the progress we've made and why it's best to stick with modern practices.

I hope this guide, helps you feel confident in writing robust JavaScript code. Happy coding, and keep exploring the amazing world of JavaScript!

Feel free to share your thoughts or ask questions in the comments below. Let's learn and grow together!

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Written by

Padmanava Das
Padmanava Das

From Republic of Bharat