Getting Started with Custom Elements

Mikey NicholsMikey Nichols
3 min read


In modern web development, the ability to create reusable and self-contained components is essential for building maintainable and scalable applications. Custom Elements, a core technology of Web Components, enable developers to define new HTML tags with custom behavior, extending the language of HTML to suit specific application needs. This article provides a comprehensive guide to getting started with Custom Elements, covering their definition, lifecycle, and practical implementation.

What Are Custom Elements?

Custom Elements are a set of JavaScript APIs that allow developers to define and implement new types of HTML elements. These elements can encapsulate their structure, style, and behavior, promoting code reuse and reducing complexity in web applications. There are two main types of Custom Elements:

  1. Autonomous Custom Elements: Standalone elements that are not based on existing HTML elements.

  2. Customized Built-in Elements: Elements that extend native HTML elements, enhancing their functionality.

Defining an Autonomous Custom Element

To create an autonomous custom element, we need to define a new class that extends the HTMLElement base class and then register it with the browser using the customElements.define() method.


// Define the class for the custom element
class MyCustomElement extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    // Element initialization

  connectedCallback() {
    // Called when the element is added to the document
    this.innerHTML = '<p>Hello, I am a custom element!</p>';

  disconnectedCallback() {
    // Called when the element is removed from the document
    console.log('Custom element removed from the page.');

  adoptedCallback() {
    // Called when the element is moved to a new document
    console.log('Custom element adopted into a new document.');

  static get observedAttributes() {
    return ['data-custom-attribute'];

  attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
    // Called when observed attribute(s) change
    console.log(`Attribute: ${name} changed from ${oldValue} to ${newValue}`);

// Register the custom element
customElements.define('my-custom-element', MyCustomElement);

In this example, a new custom element <my-custom-element> is defined with lifecycle callbacks to handle its addition, removal, adoption, and attribute changes.

Using the Custom Element

Once defined and registered, the custom element can be used in HTML like any standard element:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Custom Element Example</title>
  <my-custom-element data-custom-attribute="example"></my-custom-element>

  <script src="my-custom-element.js"></script>

Ensure that the script defining the custom element (my-custom-element.js) is included in the HTML document.

Extending Built-in Elements

Customized built-in elements allow us to extend existing HTML elements. To create one, extend the class of the specific element we want to enhance and specify the extends option during registration.


// Define the class for the custom button
class FancyButton extends HTMLButtonElement {
  constructor() {
    this.addEventListener('click', () => {
      alert('Fancy button clicked!');

// Register the custom element
customElements.define('fancy-button', FancyButton, { extends: 'button' });

Usage in HTML:

<button is="fancy-button">Click Me!</button>

Here, a <button> element is extended to create a fancy-button with custom behavior.

Benefits of Using Custom Elements

  • Reusability: Encapsulate functionality into self-contained components that can be reused across different projects.

  • Encapsulation: Isolate styles and behavior, reducing the risk of conflicts in larger codebases.

  • Interoperability: Custom elements work seamlessly with other web technologies and frameworks.

  • Maintainability: Simplify complex UIs by breaking them into manageable, modular components.


Custom Elements provide a powerful mechanism for creating reusable, encapsulated, and maintainable components in web development. By defining new HTML elements with custom behavior, developers can enhance the semantics and functionality of web applications, leading to more efficient and organized codebases. Embracing Custom Elements is a step towards modern, component-based web development.

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Written by

Mikey Nichols
Mikey Nichols

I am an aspiring web developer on a mission to kick down the door into tech. Join me as I take the essential steps toward this goal and hopefully inspire others to do the same!