Stay ahead in web development: latest news, tools, and insights #74

Adam UrbanAdam Urban
6 min read

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weeklyfoo #74 is here: your weekly digest of all webdev news you need to know! This time you'll find 32 valuable links in 6 categories! Enjoy!

🚀 Read it!

  • Decision-Making Pitfalls for Technical Leaders: Tech’s favorite party trick is promoting programmers into leadership roles with zero transition coaching, or even a briefing on what the role entails. by Chelsea Troy / leadership / 18 min read

📰 Good to know

🧰 Tools

  • mdq: like jq but for Markdown: find specific elements in a md doc by Yuval Shavit / markdown, query
  • upfetch: Advanced fetch client builder by Laurent Blondy / typescript
  • Accessible Color Palette Generator: A tool to automate the generation of accessible enterprise UI color palettes. by Francis Wu / colors
  • chess.js: A TypeScript chess library for chess move generation/validation, piece placement/movement, and check/checkmate/draw detection by Jeff Hlywa / chess
  • Neobrutalism components: A collection of neobrutalism-styled Tailwind components. by Samuel Breznjak / ui, neobrutalism
  • Supermarquee: The super smooth marquee javascript component. by Benny Schuetz / effects
  • trimMiddle: This is a package that shortens strings like Finder on Mac does. Instead of trimming from the start or end it trims the string in the middle and adds a filler char. by Christian Heilmann / utils, text
  • Justd: Justd is a chill set of React components, built on top of React Aria Components and Tailwind CSS. Easy to customize and just copy & paste into your React projects. by Irsyad A. Panjaitan / tailwind
  • vscli: A CLI/TUI that simplifies launching VSCode projects, with a focus on dev containers by Michael Lohr / cli, devcontainers
  • Yaak: Yaak is an offline and Git friendly app for HTTP, GraphQL, WebSockets, SSE, and gRPC. by Gregory Schier / api
  • Probly: An AI-powered spreadsheet application that combines spreadsheet functionality with Python data analysis capabilities. by Pragmatic ML / spreadsheets, ai
  • random: Seedable random number generator supporting many common distributions. by Travis Fischer / typescript

🎨 Design

☁️ Serverless

  • Gel: Postgres is the endgame database. Gel supercharges it with a modern data model, graph queries, Auth & AI solutions, and much more. by / databases / 10 min read

📚 Tutorials

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Written by

Adam Urban
Adam Urban