Day 2: Tracking Our Progress in Problem-Solving

Tennis Kumar CTennis Kumar C
2 min read

Recap of the Day

Another solid day of problem-solving! Today, I tackled a few medium-level problems. While none were overly difficult, understanding the problem statements took some effort. Once I broke them down, the logic fell into place smoothly.

Problems Solved

Top K Frequent Elements
Product of Array Except Self
Valid Sudoku
Longest Consecutive Sequence

Lessons from Today

  • Breaking Down the Problem is Key – Some questions seemed tricky at first, but once I deconstructed them into smaller parts, the solution became clear.

  • Pattern Recognition is Improving – Concepts like hashmaps, sorting, and sliding windows came in handy today.

  • Understanding the Question Properly is Crucial – Many times, a problem may seem harder than it actually is just because of how it is worded. Taking a step back and truly grasping the requirements saves time and prevents unnecessary complexity.

  • Avoid Jumping to Code Too Soon – Thinking through edge cases and constraints before writing code leads to cleaner and more efficient solutions.

  • Consistency is Paying Off – I’m getting faster at identifying optimal approaches, which is a great confidence boost.

Personal Reflections

  • I’ve started feeling a bit more comfortable with the problems compared to Day 1. It’s still early in the journey, so we’ll see how things evolve.

  • Solving problems manually still feels a bit odd and challenging, especially since we’ve grown used to relying on Gen-AI tools for quick solutions. However, I’m beginning to understand the importance of manual problem-solving and how it shapes our approach to tackling challenges effectively.

Looking Ahead

Tomorrow, I’ll be focusing on stacks, while continuing with medium-level problems and refining my time complexity analysis skills. The goal is not just to solve problems but to solve them efficiently.

Let’s keep pushing forward! 🚀

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Tennis Kumar C
Tennis Kumar C