Git Advanced - Rebase, Cherry-pick, Conflict Resolution

Table of contents
- Learning points:
- ๐ Initial Tasks:
- โ Task 1: Set up a Git repository or use an existing one for practicing advanced Git commands.
- โ Task 2: Create a new branch (git checkout -b advanced-git-practice) and make multiple commits.
- โ Task 3: Push your branch to a remote repository (git push origin advanced-git-practice).
- โ Task 4: Simulate a collaborative workflow: Create a second branch (feature-x), make commits, and merge it into the main branch.
- โ Task 5: Create an intentional merge conflict between two branches and attempt to resolve it.
- โ Task 6: Use git log --oneline --graph --all to visualize the commit history and branch structure.
- โ Solutions
- โ
Challenge 1: Perform an interactive rebase to modify commit history (rename, squash, reorder commits).
- Step 1: View Commit History
- โ OutPut
- Step 2: Start an Interactive Rebase
- Step 3: Modify Commits
- 1๏ธโฃ Rename a Commit Message
- 2๏ธโฃ Squash Commits (Combine Multiple Commits)
- 3๏ธโฃ Reorder Commits
- Step 4: Continue and Push Changes
- โ OutPut
- ๐ Explanation of the Commands
- โ You have successfully modified commit history! ๐
- โ Challenge 2: Use git cherry-pick to apply a specific commit from another branch to your current branch.
- ๐ Explanation of the Commands
- โ
Challenge 3: Create a merge conflict scenario and manually resolve it using git merge and git rebase.
- Step 1: Create a New Branch and Make Changes
- โ OutPut
- Step 2: Modify the Same File in Another Branch
- โ OutPut
- Step 3: Merge conflict-branch into advanced-git-practice
- โ You will see output like this:
- Step 4: Resolve the Conflict Manually
- โ You will see something like this:
- โ You will see something like this:
- โ OutPut
- Step 5: Recreate the Conflict Using Rebase
- โ OutPut
- ๐ Explanation of the Commands
- โ Merge conflict created and resolved using both merge and rebase! ๐
- โ Challenge 4: Undo a commit using git reset (soft, mixed, and hard) and git revert โ understand the differences.
- ๐ Explanation of the Commands
- โ Challenge 5: Amend the last commit message and add a forgotten file to the last commit using git commit --amend.
- โ
Challenge 6: Set up Git hooks (pre-commit or post-commit) to automate a simple check before committing changes.
- Step 1: Navigate to the Hooks Directory
- Step 2: Create a Pre-Commit Hook
- โ OutPut
- Explanation:
- Step 3: Make the Hook Executable
- โ OutPut
- Step 4: Test the Hook
- โ OutPut
- Step 5: (Optional) Create a Post-Commit Hook
- โ OutPut
- Bonus: Share Hooks Across Team
- โ Challenge 7: Rebase a feature branch on top of the main branch without creating unnecessary merge commits
- Step 1: Switch to the Feature Branch
- Step 2: Fetch the Latest Changes from the Remote Repository
- โ OutPut
- Step 3: Rebase feature-branch on main
- Step 4: Handle Conflicts (If Any)
- Step 5: Push the Rebasing Changes
- โ OutPut
- โ Challenge 8: Create a branch, make multiple commits, then squash them into a single commit using git rebase -i.
- Thanks for your time. I hope you enjoy my blog, please follow me on LinkedIn for more updates.

Learning points:
Git Rebase โ Deep Dive
Git Cherry-pick โ Applying specific commits from one branch to another.
Resolving Merge Conflicts โ Identifying and resolving conflicts efficiently.
Rewriting History โ advanced use cases
Amending Commits โ How to modify the last commit without changing history and real-life use cases.
Git Hooks โ Automating tasks with pre-commit and post-commit hooks.
๐ Initial Tasks:
โ Task 1: Set up a Git repository or use an existing one for practicing advanced Git commands.
We will use your existing 60DaysDevOps-Challenges
repository and create a subfolder git-advanced-practice
Step 1.1: Navigate to the Repo
cd 60DaysDevOps-Challenges
Step 1.2: Create the Subfolder
mkdir git-advanced-practice
cd git-advanced-practice
โ Note: This is just a normal folder, NOT a submodule or symlink, so it will be visible on GitHub.
Task 2: Create a new branch (git checkout -b advanced-git-practice
) and make multiple commits.
Step 2.1: Create the Branch
git checkout -b advanced-git-practice
Step 2.2: Add Some Files & Make Commits
echo "Git Rebase Notes" > rebase.txt
echo "Git Cherry-pick Notes" > cherry-pick.txt
git add .
git commit -m "Add rebase and cherry-pick notes"
echo "Git Hooks Notes" > hooks.txt
git add .
git commit -m "Add git hooks notes"
Task 3: Push your branch to a remote repository (git push origin advanced-git-practice
Step 3.1: Set Up GitHub Authentication
Since you want to use your GitHub Token, configure it securely:
git remote set-url origin https://<your-username>:use your github accesstoken/<your-username>/60DaysDevOps-Challenges.git
Step 3.2: Push the Branch
git push origin advanced-git-practice
Task 4: Simulate a collaborative workflow: Create a second branch (feature-x
), make commits, and merge it into the main branch.
Step 4.1: Create a New Branch for Feature-X
git checkout -b feature-x
Step 4.2: Make Some Changes and Commit
echo "Feature X development" > feature-x.txt
git add feature-x.txt
git commit -m "Add feature-x implementation"
Step 4.3: Switch to Main and Merge Feature-X
git checkout main
git merge feature-x
Step 4.4: Push the Changes
git push origin main
โ Task 5: Create an intentional merge conflict between two branches and attempt to resolve it.
Step 5.1: Create a Conflict
- Edit
echo "Git Rebase Explained - Version A" > rebase.txt
git add .
git commit -m "Modify rebase.txt in advanced-git-practice"
- Switch to
and modify the same file:
git checkout feature-x
echo "Git Rebase Explained - Version B" > rebase.txt
git add .
git commit -m "Modify rebase.txt in feature-x"
- Merge the branch and trigger a conflict:
git checkout advanced-git-practice
git merge feature-x
Step 5.2: Resolve the Conflict
and manually resolve the conflictStage and commit:
git add rebase.txt
git commit -m "Resolve merge conflict in rebase.txt"
Task 6: Use git log --oneline --graph --all
to visualize the commit history and branch structure.
git log --oneline --graph --all
โ This will show a graphical representation of your commits and branches.
โ OutPut
๐ฅ Challenges
๐นChallenge 1: Perform an interactive rebase to modify commit history (rename, squash, reorder commits).
๐น Challenge 2: Use git cherry-pick
to apply a specific commit from another branch to your current branch.
๐น Challenge 3: Create a merge conflict scenario and manually resolve it using git merge
and git rebase
๐น Challenge 4: Undo a commit using git reset
(soft, mixed, and hard) and git revert
โ understand the differences.
๐น Challenge 5: Amend the last commit message and add a forgotten file to the last commit using git commit --amend
๐น Challenge 6: Set up Git hooks (pre-commit or post-commit) to automate a simple check before committing changes.
๐น Challenge 7: Rebase a feature branch on top of the main branch without creating unnecessary merge commits.
๐น Challenge 8: Create a branch, make multiple commits, then squash them into a single commit using git rebase -i
โ Solutions
โ Challenge 1: Perform an interactive rebase to modify commit history (rename, squash, reorder commits).
Step 1: View Commit History
Before rebasing, check your recent commits:
git log --oneline --graph --all
You'll see something like:
abc1234 (HEAD -> advanced-git-practice) Add git hooks notes
def5678 Add rebase and cherry-pick notes
ghi9012 Initial commit in git-advanced-practice
โ OutPut
Step 2: Start an Interactive Rebase
To modify the last 3 commits, run:
git rebase -i HEAD~3
This opens an editor with commit history:
pick a1b2c3d Added new feature
pick e4f5g6h Fixed API issue
pick i7j8k9l Updated documentation
Step 3: Modify Commits
1๏ธโฃ Rename a Commit Message
- Change pick to reword for the commit you want to rename
reword a1b2c3d Added new feature
pick e4f5g6h Fixed API issue
pick i7j8k9l Updated documentation
Save and close the editor.
Git will prompt you to edit the commit message.
2๏ธโฃ Squash Commits (Combine Multiple Commits)
If you want to merge multiple commits into one, change:
pick a1b2c3d Added new feature
pick e4f5g6h Fixed API issue
squash i7j8k9l Updated documentation
Save and close the editor.
Git will show a new editor where you can combine commit messages.
3๏ธโฃ Reorder Commits
To reorder commits, simply change their order:
pick e4f5g6h Fixed API issue
pick i7j8k9l Updated documentation
pick a1b2c3d Added new feature
Save and close the editor.
Git will replay commits in the new order.
Step 4: Continue and Push Changes
After making changes:
git rebase --continue
If you've already pushed the commits, force push is required:
git push origin feature-branch --force
๐จ Use caution when force-pushing, especially in shared branches.
โ OutPut
๐ Explanation of the Commands
Command | Purpose |
git log --oneline --graph --all | Shows commit history in a compact format |
git rebase -i HEAD~N | Starts an interactive rebase for the last N commits |
reword | Edits a commit message |
squash (or s ) | Merges a commit into the previous one |
git push --force | Updates remote history after rewriting commits |
โ You have successfully modified commit history! ๐
Challenge 2: Use git cherry-pick
to apply a specific commit from another branch to your current branch.
Step 1: List Commits from Another Branch
Switch to the branch where you want to pick a commit from (e.g., feature-x
git checkout feature-x
List commits in short format:
git log --oneline
Example output:
f1e2d3c Added new feature for user authentication
a4b5c6d Fixed bug in login form
d7e8f9a Updated README with API details
Choose the commit you want to cherry-pick (e.g., a4b5c6d
โ OutPut
Step 2: Switch Back to the Target Branch
Switch to the branch where you want to apply the commit (e.g., advanced-git-practice
git checkout advanced-git-practice
Step 3: Cherry-Pick the Commit
Apply the commit from feature-x
git cherry-pick a6dc3dd
โ Expected Output
Step 4: Handle Cherry-Pick Conflicts (If Needed)
If there's a conflict:
Resolve the conflict manually in the affected files.
Mark the conflict as resolved:
git add <resolved-file>
Continue cherry-picking:
git cherry-pick --continue
To abort the cherry-pick and restore the previous state
git cherry-pick --abort
Step 5: Push the Changes
git push origin main
โ Expected Output
๐ Explanation of the Commands
Command | Purpose |
git log --oneline | Lists commit history in a compact format |
git checkout <branch> | Switches to the specified branch |
git cherry-pick <commit-hash> | Applies a specific commit to the current branch |
git push origin <branch> | Pushes the changes to the remote repository |
Challenge 3: Create a merge conflict scenario and manually resolve it using git merge
and git rebase
Step 1: Create a New Branch and Make Changes
Switch to your working branch (advanced-git-practice
git checkout advanced-git-practice
Create a new branch (conflict-branch
git checkout -b conflict-branch
Modify a file (e.g., example.txt
echo "This line is from conflict-branch" > example.txt
Commit the changes:
git add example.txt
git commit -m "Update example.txt from conflict-branch"
Push the branch to GitHub:
git push origin conflict-branch
โ OutPut
Step 2: Modify the Same File in Another Branch
Switch back to advanced-git-practice
git checkout advanced-git-practice
Modify the same file (example.txt
), but with a different change:
echo "This line is from advanced-git-practice" > example.txt
Push the changes:
git push origin advanced-git-practice
โ OutPut
Step 3: Merge conflict-branch
into advanced-git-practice
Now, try to merge conflict-branch
into advanced-git-practice
git merge conflict-branch
Since both branches modified example.txt
differently, Git will detect a conflict.
โ You will see output like this:
Step 4: Resolve the Conflict Manually
Open example.txt
in a text editor:
nano example.txt
โ You will see something like this:
Edit the file to keep the correct version (or merge both lines):
This line is from both branches - merging conflict manually
โ You will see something like this:
Save the file and mark it as resolved:
git add example.txt
git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict in example.txt"
Push the resolved changes:
git push origin advanced-git-practice
โ OutPut
Step 5: Recreate the Conflict Using Rebase
Now, let's try resolving the same conflict using git rebase
- First, reset
to before the merge:
git reset --hard HEAD~1
- Rebase
on top ofadvanced-git-practice
git rebase conflict-branch
Git will stop and show a conflict message.
, manually resolve the conflict as before, and save the file.Continue the rebase process:
git add example.txt
git rebase --continue
- Push the rebased changes:
git push origin advanced-git-practice --force
โ OutPut
๐ Explanation of the Commands
Command | Purpose |
git checkout -b <branch> | Creates and switches to a new branch |
echo "text" > file.txt | Modifies the file |
git merge <branch> | Merges changes from another branch |
git rebase <branch> | Applies commits from another branch on top of the current branch |
git add <file> | Marks a file as resolved |
git commit -m "message" | Saves the changes |
git rebase --continue | Continues rebase after resolving conflicts |
git push origin <branch> --force | Forces push after rebase |
Merge conflict created and resolved using both merge
and rebase
! ๐
Challenge 4: Undo a commit using git reset
(soft, mixed, and hard) and git revert
โ understand the differences.
Step 1: Create Sample Commits
If you donโt have recent commits to test, create some:
echo "First commit" > file1.txt
git add file1.txt
git commit -m "First commit"
echo "Second commit" > file2.txt
git add file2.txt
git commit -m "Second commit"
echo "Third commit" > file3.txt
git add file3.txt
git commit -m "Third commit"
Now, you have 3 commits in your history.
โ OutPut
Step 2: View Commit History
Check your last few commits:
git log --oneline --graph --all
โ OutPut
Step 3: Undo a Commit Using git reset
- Soft Reset (Keeps changes in Staging Area)
git reset --soft HEAD~1
โ Effect:
Last commit is removed from history.
Changes remain staged, so you can re-commit if needed.
Check status:
git status
- Mixed Reset (Keeps changes in Working Directory, but Unstaged)
git reset --mixed HEAD~1
โ Effect:
Last commit is removed from history.
Changes move to working directory (unstaged).
Check status:
git status
- Hard Reset (Deletes Commit & Changes)
git reset --hard HEAD~1
โ Effect:
Last commit is deleted completely.
Changes are lost forever (Use this carefully!).
Check history again:
git log --oneline
โ OutPut
Step 4: Undo a Commit Using git revert
git reset
,git revert
creates a new commit that undoes the previous commit (useful in shared repositories).
Undo the Last Commit Using Revert
git revert HEAD
โ Effect:
Creates a new commit that cancels the last commit.
Safe for shared repositories (no history rewriting).
If you want to revert a specific commit (e.g., 4bb83le
git revert 4bb83le
This will create a new commit that undoes the changes from
โ OutPut
๐ Explanation of the Commands
Command | Effect |
git reset --soft HEAD~1 | Removes commit but keeps changes staged |
git reset --mixed HEAD~1 | Removes commit but keeps changes unstaged |
git reset --hard HEAD~1 | Completely removes commit and changes |
git revert HEAD | Creates a new commit that undoes the last commit |
git revert <commit> | Creates a new commit that undoes a specific commit |
Challenge 5: Amend the last commit message and add a forgotten file to the last commit using git commit --amend
/Sep 1: Check the Last Commit Message
Step 1: Check the Last Commit Message
git log --oneline -1
This will display something like:
772ad36 Revert "Update example.txt from advanced-git-practice"
Step 2: Modify the Last Commit Message
If you only want to change the commit message, run:
git commit --amend -m "Updated commit message"
Step 3: Add a Forgotten File to the Last Commit
- Create or modify the file:
echo "New content" > forgotten.txt
Stage the new file:
git add forgotten.txt
Amend the last commit to include this file:
git commit --amend --no-edit
keeps the same commit message.The commit is now updated to include
โ OutPut
Step 4: Push the Amended Commit
If you have already pushed the commit to GitHub, you need to force push:
git push origin main --force
โ OutPut
โ Challenge 6: Set up Git hooks (pre-commit or post-commit) to automate a simple check before committing changes.
We can set up Git hooks to automate checks before committing changes. Below is a step-by-step guide to creating a pre-commit hook that checks for trailing whitespace before allowing a commit.
Step 1: Navigate to the Hooks Directory
Each Git repository has a .git/hooks/ directory containing sample hooks. Move into your repository:
cd /path/to/your-repo
cd .git/hooks
Step 2: Create a Pre-Commit Hook
Create a new pre-commit script:
nano pre-commit
#Paste the following script:
# Check for trailing whitespace
if git diff --cached --check | grep -q "trailing whitespace"; then
echo "โ Commit rejected: Trailing whitespace found!"
exit 1 # Prevent commit
echo "โ
Pre-commit check passed!"
exit 0 # Allow commit
โ OutPut
Uses git diff --cached --check to find trailing whitespace.
If found, aborts the commit (exit 1).
If no issues, commit proceeds (exit 0).
Step 3: Make the Hook Executable
chmod +x pre-commit
โ OutPut
Step 4: Test the Hook
- Make a change with trailing whitespace:
cd /path/to/your-repo
echo "Hello, world! this is my git advanced practice " >> file.txt # Extra spaces at the end
git add file.txt
git commit -m "Test commit"
- If thereโs trailing whitespace, the commit will be rejected:
โ Commit rejected: Trailing whitespace found!
- Fix the issue by removing trailing spaces, then commit again.
โ OutPut
Step 5: (Optional) Create a Post-Commit Hook
If you want to log commit details after every commit, create a post-commit hook:
nano post-commit
Paste this inside:
echo "๐ Commit successful! Keep up the good work! $(git rev-parse HEAD)"
Make it executable:
chmod +x post-commit
โ OutPut
Now, every time you commit, it will log:
โ Commit successful! Commit Hash: a1b2c3d
Bonus: Share Hooks Across Team
To share hooks across a team:
Move them to a version-controlled directory:
mkdir -p .githooks
mv .git/hooks/pre-commit .githooks/
Configure Git to use this directory:
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
โ Challenge 7: Rebase a feature branch on top of the main branch without creating unnecessary merge commits
When working with feature branches, it's best to rebase instead of merging to keep your commit history clean. This will move your feature branch to the latest main
branch without unnecessary merge commits.
Step 1: Switch to the Feature Branch
git checkout feature-branch
Step 2: Fetch the Latest Changes from the Remote Repository
git fetch origin
git checkout main
git pull origin main
Now, your main branch is up-to-date.
โ OutPut
Step 3: Rebase feature-branch on main
git checkout feature-branch
git rebase main
This moves all commits from feature-branch to start from the latest main commit.
It avoids unnecessary merge commits and keeps a clean history.
Step 4: Handle Conflicts (If Any)
If there are conflicts, Git will pause the rebase and show:
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in file.txt
Manually resolve conflicts in the affected files.
Mark conflicts as resolved:
git add <resolved-file>
Continue the rebase:
git rebase --continue
If needed, abort the rebase:
git rebase --abort
Step 5: Push the Rebasing Changes
If the feature branch is already pushed to GitHub, you need to force push:
git push origin feature-branch --force
๐จ Caution: This rewrites history. Be careful when working in a shared branch.
Example Scenario
Before Rebase (git log --oneline --graph)
* commit C (feature-branch)
* commit B (feature-branch)
| * commit M2 (main)
| * commit M1 (main)
* commit A (common ancestor)
After Rebase
* commit C' (feature-branch, rebased)
* commit B' (feature-branch, rebased)
* commit M2 (main)
* commit M1 (main)
* commit A (common ancestor)
No extra merge commits. A cleaner history!
โ OutPut
Challenge 8: Create a branch, make multiple commits, then squash them into a single commit using git rebase -i
We can create a branch, make multiple commits, and squash them into a single commit using git rebase -i by following these steps.
Step 1: Create a New Branch
git checkout -b feature-branch
Step 2: Make Multiple Commits
echo "First change" > file.txt
git add file.txt
git commit -m "First commit"
echo "Second change" >> file.txt
git commit -am "Second commit"
echo "Third change" >> file.txt
git commit -am "Third commit"
Now, we have three separate commits.
Check commit history:
git log --oneline -n 3
Example output:
Step 3: Start an Interactive Rebase
To squash the last 3 commits into one, run:
git rebase -i HEAD~3
Step 4: Modify the Rebase Commands
The editor will open with:
pick 67ac9ab Third commit
pick e770f3d Second commit
pick 735ee54 First commit
Change it to:
pick abc1234 Third commit
squash def5678 Second commit
squash ghi7890 First commit
pick โ Keeps the first commit.
squash โ Merges the next commits into the first one.
Save and close the editor.
Step 5: Edit the Commit Message
Git will prompt you to edit the commit message:
# This is a combination of 3 commits.
First commit
Second commit
Third commit
Edit this into a single meaningful commit message:
Combined all feature changes into one commit
Save and close the editor.
Step 6: Push the Squashed Commit
If you already pushed the previous commits, force push is needed:
git push origin feature-branch --force
๐จ Caution: This rewrites history, so be careful in shared branches.
Step 7: Verify the Squash
Check commit history:
git log --oneline -n 3
#Expected output:
xyz5678 (HEAD -> feature-branch) Combined all feature changes into one commit
Now all three commits are now merged into a single commit.
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About "Hello! My name is Gourob Das, I completed my GSSOC as an open source Contributor, I completed a 4-month internship at Dpay Consultancy Services as an application developer, and completed my MCA Degree at Pondicherry University. I am highly passionate about DevOps dedicated to enhancing experiences through the power of artificial intelligence. Let's connect and collaborate on DevOps, cloud Computing development projects."Enjoy exploring the fascinating world of DevOps, constantly seeking to apply cutting-edge technology to solve real-world problems."