AushadhiAI: AI-Powered Prescription Analysis System

AushadhiAI is an innovative solution that leverages artificial intelligence and Azure Computer Vision to decode doctors' handwritten prescriptions, making medication information accessible and understandable for patients. This technical deep dive explores the architecture, implementation details, and key features of the AushadhiAI system.
System Architecture
AushadhiAI employs a modern, scalable architecture that separates frontend and backend concerns while leveraging cloud services for advanced AI capabilities.
flowchart TD
User[User] -->|Uploads Prescription| Frontend[Frontend UI]
Frontend -->|HTTP Request| Backend[Backend API]
Backend -->|Image Analysis| AzureCV[Azure Computer Vision]
Backend -->|Medication Lookup| MedDB[(Medication Database)]
AzureCV -->|OCR Results| Backend
Backend -->|JSON Response| Frontend
Frontend -->|Display Results| User
Key Components
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript providing a responsive user interface
- Backend API: FastAPI application providing RESTful endpoints for image analysis
- Azure Vision Service: Cloud-based OCR through Azure Computer Vision API
- Medication Service: Logic for identifying medications from extracted text
- Medication Database: JSON-based storage of medication information
Technical Implementation Details
Backend System
The backend is built with FastAPI, a modern, high-performance web framework for building APIs with Python. It provides several key endpoints:
class FastAPIApp {
class OCRService {
class MedicationService {
class AzureVisionService {
class RxNormService {
FastAPIApp --> OCRService
FastAPIApp --> MedicationService
FastAPIApp --> AzureVisionService
FastAPIApp --> RxNormService
Key Backend Components:
- Main FastAPI application that defines all endpoints
- services/ Handles communication with Azure Computer Vision API
- services/ Manages text extraction from images with fallback mechanisms
- services/ Identifies medications from extracted text
- services/ Integrates with RxNorm for standardized medication information
Prescription Analysis Process
The prescription analysis workflow involves several steps:
participant User
participant Frontend
participant Backend
participant AzureVision
participant MedService
User->>Frontend: Upload prescription image
Frontend->>Backend: POST /api/analyze
Backend->>AzureVision: extract_text(image)
alt Azure available
AzureVision-->>Backend: OCR text results
else Azure unavailable
AzureVision-->>Backend: Use fallback OCR
Backend->>MedService: Find medications in text
MedService-->>Backend: Medication matches
Backend-->>Frontend: Analysis results (JSON)
Frontend-->>User: Display medication information
Frontend Implementation
The frontend provides an intuitive interface for users to upload and analyze prescriptions:
flowchart LR
subgraph Frontend
UI[User Interface] --> Upload
Upload --> Analysis
Analysis --> Results
subgraph Components
Upload[Upload Component]
Analysis[Analysis Process]
Results[Results Display]
UI -->|User Interaction| Components
The interface includes:
- Upload Section: For prescription image upload
- Processing Visualization: Shows analysis progress
- Results Display: Presents identified medications and details
- Responsive Design: Works across desktop and mobile devices
Deployment Architecture
AushadhiAI is deployed using a modern cloud-based infrastructure:
flowchart TD
subgraph "Frontend Deployment"
GitHubPages[GitHub Pages]
subgraph "CI/CD Pipeline"
GitHubActions[GitHub Actions]
subgraph "Backend Services"
ElasticBeanstalk[AWS Elastic Beanstalk]
ECR[Amazon ECR]
CloudWatch[AWS CloudWatch]
subgraph "External Services"
Azure[Azure Computer Vision]
GitHubActions -->|Deploy Frontend| GitHubPages
GitHubActions -->|Deploy Backend| ECR
ECR -->|Container Image| ElasticBeanstalk
ElasticBeanstalk -->|Monitoring| CloudWatch
ElasticBeanstalk -->|API Calls| Azure
GitHubPages -->|API Requests| ElasticBeanstalk
Deployment Components:
- Frontend: Hosted on GitHub Pages (static hosting)
- Backend: Containerized with Docker and deployed on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- CI/CD: Automated deployment using GitHub Actions
- Monitoring: AWS CloudWatch for performance and error tracking
System Features
1. Robust OCR Capabilities
The system uses Azure Computer Vision API for high-quality OCR, with a fallback mechanism for offline operation:
flowchart TD
Start[Receive Image] -->|Process| AzureCheck{Azure Available?}
AzureCheck -->|Yes| AzureOCR[Use Azure Vision API]
AzureCheck -->|No| LocalOCR[Use Local OCR Fallback]
AzureOCR --> TextExtraction[Extract Text]
LocalOCR --> TextExtraction
TextExtraction --> MedicationIdentification[Identify Medications]
2. Medication Identification
The system identifies medications using a combination of techniques:
flowchart LR
OCRText[OCR Text] --> Preprocessing[Text Preprocessing]
Preprocessing --> NameMatching[Medication Name Matching]
NameMatching --> Validation[Validation]
Validation --> DosageExtraction[Dosage Information Extraction]
DosageExtraction --> Results[Medication Results]
3. Error Handling and Resilience
The system is designed with robust error handling:
flowchart TD
Request[API Request] --> Validation{Input Valid?}
Validation -->|Yes| Processing[Process Request]
Validation -->|No| Error400[Return 400 Error]
Processing --> ServiceCheck{Services Available?}
ServiceCheck -->|Yes| SuccessfulResponse[Return Response]
ServiceCheck -->|No| FallbackMechanism[Use Fallback]
FallbackMechanism --> LimitedResponse[Return Limited Response]
Performance Considerations
graph LR
A[Image Upload] --> B[Image Preprocessing]
B --> C[OCR Processing]
C --> D[Medication Identification]
D --> E[Response Generation]
style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style C fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
style D fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
The most computationally intensive parts of the system are:
- OCR Processing: Handled by Azure Computer Vision to offload processing
- Medication Identification: Optimized with efficient text matching algorithms
- Image Preprocessing: Used to enhance OCR accuracy
Security Implementation
flowchart TD
subgraph "Security Measures"
InputValidation[Input Validation]
APIKeys[API Key Management]
ErrorHandling[Error Handling]
Request[User Request] --> CORS
CORS --> InputValidation
InputValidation --> Processing[Request Processing]
Processing --> APIKeys
APIKeys --> ExternalService[External Services]
Processing --> ErrorHandling
ErrorHandling --> Response[Secure Response]
Key security considerations:
- CORS Configuration: Prevents unauthorized cross-origin requests
- Input Validation: Sanitizes and validates all user input
- API Key Management: Securely stores and manages Azure API keys
- Error Handling: Prevents information leakage in error responses
Future Enhancements
The system is designed for extensibility, with planned enhancements:
title Development Roadmap
Phase 1 : Basic OCR and Medication Identification
Phase 2 : Detailed Medication Information
Phase 3 : User Accounts and Prescription History
Phase 4 : Mobile Application Development
Phase 5 : Pharmacy System Integration
Phase 6 : Multi-language Support
AushadhiAI represents a powerful application of AI technology to solve real-world healthcare challenges. By combining Azure Computer Vision's advanced OCR capabilities with custom medication identification algorithms, the system effectively bridges the gap between handwritten prescriptions and patient understanding.
The architecture balances performance, reliability, and user experience, with careful consideration given to fallback mechanisms that ensure the system remains functional even when cloud services are unavailable.
Through its modern deployment architecture and thoughtful technical implementation, AushadhiAI demonstrates how cloud-native applications can deliver meaningful solutions to everyday problems.
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Written by

Nikhil Mishra
Nikhil Mishra
I am a student studying in Mumbai University, learning DevOps, looking for opportunities to learn more things by gaining experience at prestigious institutions