Linux Training : Section 7 (Part-5)

Configure and Secure SSH
Stands for Secure Shell » Provides you with an interface to the Linux system. It takes in your commands and translate them to kernel to manage hardware.
($) » Normal User
(#) » Root Logged in
Open SSH is a package/software
Its service daemon is sshd
SSH port #22
SSH itself is secure, meaning communication through SSH is always encrypted, but there should be some additional configuration can be done to make it more secure.
Following are the most common configuration an administrator should take to secure SSH
Configure Idle Timeout Interval
Avoid having an unattended SSH session, you can set an Idle timeout interval
Become root
Edit your
file and add the following line:ClientAliveInterval 600
ClientAliveCountMax 0
systemctl restart sshd
The file timeout interval you are setting is in seconds (600secs = 10minutes). once the interval has passed, the idle user will be automatically logged out.
Disable root login
Disable root login should be one of the measures you should take when setting up the system for the first time. It disable any user to login to the system with root account
Become root
Edit your
file and replacePermitRootLogin
yes to noPermitRootLogin no
systemctl restart sshd
Disable Empty Passwords
You need to prevent remote logins from accounts with empty passwords for added security.
Become root
Edit your
file and rermove # from the following linesPermitEmptyPasswords no
systemctl restart sshd
Limit Users’ SSH Access
To provide another layer of security, you should limit your SSH logins to only certain users who need remote access
Become root
Edit your
file and addAllowUsers user1 user2 no
systemctl restart sshd
Use a different port
By defualt SSh port runs on 22. Most hackers looking for any open SSH servers will look for port 22 and changing can make the system much more secure
Become root
Edit your
file and rermove # from the following lines and change the port numberPort 22
systemctl restart sshd
SSH Keys- Access Remote Server without Password
Two reasons to access a remote machine
Repetitive Logins
Automation through scripts
Keys are generated at user level
Let’s say, we are having a Server machine as “LinuxCentOS10“ and a client machine as “MyFirstLinuxVM“. Everytime, when trying to access client machine from server it is asking for password but after copying over the keys from client to server, it will not ask. It is same as like we are giving our home duplicate keys to a tenant.
this is what, we need to aviod
Generate the key in client machine » ssh-keygen
Copy the key to the server » ssh-copy-id root@192.168.1.x
login from client to server » ssh root@192.168.1.x OR ssh -l root 192.168.1.x
This is how we can login, from client machine to server, without asking for password.
Cockpit is a server administration tool sponsored by RedHat, focused on providing a modern-looking and user-friendly interface to manage and administer servers.
Cockpit is the easy-to-use, integrated, glanceable, and open web-based interface for your servers.
The application is available in most of the Linux distributions such as, CentOS, Redhat, Ubuntu and Fedora.
It is installed in Redhat 2 by default.
It can monitor system resources, add or remove accounts, monitor system usage, shutdown the system and perform quite a few other tasks all through a very accessible web connection.
Install package as root in both the machines.
Enable the service
systemctl start/enable cockpit
Access the web-interface
Simply login as root.
Now, you can just check the options and go through it.
Firewall Intro-
A wall that prevents the spread of fire.
When data moves in and out of a server its packet information is tested against the firewall rules to see if it should allowed or not.
In simple words, a firewall is like a watchman, a bouncer, or a shield that has a set of rules given and based on that rule they decide who can enter and leave
There are 2 types of firewalls in IT-
Software = Runs on OS
Hardware = A dedicated appliance with firewall software
There are 2 tools to manage firewall in most of the linux distributions-
iptables » For older Linux versions but still widely used
firewalld » For newer versions like 7 and up
iptables Tool-
You can run one or the other
We will work on iptables
Before working with iptables make sure firewalld is not running and disable it
systemctl stop firewalld » To stop the service
systemctl disable firewalld » To prevent from starting at boot time
systemctl mask firewalld » To prevent it from running by other programs
Now check for the package iptables-services
start the service
systemctl start iptables
systemctl enable iptables
To check the iptables rules
- iptables -L
To flush iptables
iptables -F
iptables- tables, chains and targets-
- The function of iptables tool is packet filtering
The packet filtering mechanism is organized into 3 different kinds of structures: tables, chains and targets.
tables\= table is something that allows you to process packets in specific ways. There are 4 different types of tables: filter, manage, nat and raw.
chains\= The chains are attached to tables, These chains allow you to inspect traffic ay various points. There are 3 main chains used in iptables-
a. INPUT- incoming traffic
b. FORWARD- going to a router, from one device to another
c. OUTPUT- outgoing traffic
chains allow you to filter traffic by adding rules to learn.
RULE- if traffic is coming from then go to defined target.
targets\= target decides the fate of a packet, such as allowing or rejecting it. There are 3 different types of target
ACCEPT= connection accepted
REJECT= send reject response
DROP= drop connection without sending any response
Firewall (firewalld)
Firewalld works the same way as iptables but of course it has it own commands
- firewall-cmd
It has a few pre-defined service rules that are very easy to turn on and off
- Services such as: NFS, NTP, HTTPD,,etc.
Firewalld also has the following:
You can run one or the other » iptables or firewalld
Make sure iptables is stopped, disabled and mask
systemctl stop iptables
systemctl disable iptables
systemctl mask iptables
Now check for package
- rpm -qa | grep firewalld
start firewall
- systemctl start firewalld
Check the rule of firewalld
- firewall-cmd --list-all
Get the listing of all service firewalld is aware of:
- firewall-cmd --get-services
To make firewalld re-read the configuration added
- firewall-cmd --reload
firewalld - Practical Examples
The firewalld has multiple zone, to get a list of all zones
To get a list of active zones
To get firewall rules for public zones
To add a service (http)
To remove a service (http)
To reload the firewalld configuration
To add or remove a service permanently
firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
firewall-cmd --remove-service=http --permanent
To add a port
To remove a port
To reject incoming traffic from an IP address
To block and unblock ICMP incoming traffic
To block outgoing traffic to a specific website/IP address
Thanks for going through this blog, Happy Learning !! 😁
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