
3 min read

For this week's Creative Code challenge by @sableRaph: “Only Lines ”, LinesUponLines uses Line Based equations/functions in SonicPi & LiveCodelab
The Point to Plane and Line to Plane equations in the SonicPi code were previously used in Genuary 2024, where these linear algebra components were used to create the sound.
While the LiveCodeLab sketch contains various collages of the same piece of code.
Lines Upon Lines
Lines Across
Lines Underneath
Lines Wanting to speak
Lines itching to creep
Lines willing to weep
Lines embracing a leak
Lines feeling a loss
Just Lines Upon Lines
if time % 30 > 20
animationStyle motionBlur
simpleGradient color(154 + time % 30 * 2,155 - sin(time)* 50,tan(time)/sin(time) - 0.2),color((time % 30)*7 + 24,abs(sin(time) * 244),(cos(time) * cos(time)) * 255), color(255 - (time % 45 * 5),200/time % 12 + 1,155)
if time % 30 < 10
animationStyle paintOver
simpleGradient color((time % 30)*7 + 24,abs(sin(time) * 244),(cos(time) * cos(time)) * 255), color(255 - (time % 45 * 5),200/time % 12 + 1,155),color(154 + time % 30 * 2,155 - sin(time)* 50,tan(time)/sin(time) - 0.2)
if time % 30 > 10 && time % 30 < 20
simpleGradient color((time % 30)*7 + 24,abs(sin(time) * 244),(cos(time) * cos(time)) * 255),color(154 + time % 30 * 2,155 - sin(time)* 50,tan(time)/sin(time) - 0.2), color(255 - (time % 45 * 5),200/time % 12 + 1,155)
scale time % 12 / 2 + 1
rotate time, time / 2, time / 3
90 + (time % 15)*10 times
rotate time % 6, time % 17, time % 32
rotate sin(time)
move 0.5, 0, Math.hypot(wave(0.003),time % 6) * 4
move -0.5, 0, 0
move 0.5,-0.5,0
line time % 6
#linear algebra - point to a plane forumla
# distance between point and
# plane is: d = |Axo + Byo + Czo + D |/√(A**2 + B**2 + C**2)
#pt_$ = variable for points
#pl_$ = variable for plane
def pointToPlane (pt_a,pt_b,pt_c, pl_a,pl_b,pl_c,pl_d)
use_random_seed (Time.now.to_i)/5
point_a = [pt_a,pt_b,pt_c]
plane_a = [pl_a,pl_b,pl_c,pl_d]
#dot product of the point and planes
dot = point_a[0]*plane_a[0] + point_a[1] * plane_a[1] + point_a[2] * plane_a[2] + plane_a[3]
#the distance of the point to plane
return plane_D = dot / Math.sqrt(plane_a[0] ** 2 + plane_a[1] ** 2 + plane_a[2] ** 2)
#puts plane_D
def lineToPlane(xt,yt,zt, pl_a,pl_b,pl_c,pl_d)
use_random_seed (Time.now.to_i)/4
t = 0
# line to point
point_a = [xt + t,yt * t + yt,zt * 2]
plane_a = [pl_a,pl_b,pl_c,pl_d]
#dot product of the point and planes
dot = point_a[0]*plane_a[0] + point_a[1] * plane_a[1] + point_a[2] * plane_a[2] + plane_a[3]
#the distance of the point to plane
return plane_D = dot / Math.sqrt(plane_a[0] ** 2 + plane_a[1] ** 2 + plane_a[2] ** 2)
#puts plane_D
#the rate of the loops are determined by the distance to the plane
#as well as the sustain length
live_loop :lineToPlaneDistance do
use_random_seed (Time.now.to_i)/2
speed = lineToPlane(dice(5),dice(9),rrand_i(1,12),dice(10),8,rrand_i(-4,4),[0,1,2,3,4].choose)
sample [:loop_perc1,:ambi_dark_woosh].choose, rate: speed + 0.1, sustain: speed, amp: dice(5)
sleep [0.5,1,1.5,2,4].choose
live_loop :pointToPlaneDistance do
use_random_seed (Time.now.to_i)
speed = pointToPlane(dice(3),dice(4),rrand_i(0,3),dice(10),8,rrand_i(-4,4),[0,1,2,3,4].choose)
speed2 = pointToPlane(rrand_i(0,3),5,dice(4),dice(10),rrand_i(-4,4),9,[0,1,2,3,4].tick)
sample [:loop_electric,:elec_chime].choose, rate: speed, sustain: speed2, amp: dice(5)
sleep [0.5,1,1.5,2].choose
live_loop :DistanceToDistance do
use_random_seed (Time.now.to_i)/3
speed = pointToPlane(dice(3),dice(4),rrand_i(0,3),dice(10),8,rrand_i(-4,4),[0,1,2,3,4].choose)
speed2 = lineToPlane(rrand_i(0,3),5,dice(4),dice(10),rrand_i(-4,4),9,[0,1,2,3,4].tick)
#undecided geometry
distToDist = speed + speed2
distXdist = speed * speed2
dist_dist = speed / speed2
#points into circle
circumference = (2 * Math::PI * ([distToDist,distXdist,dist_dist].choose)).abs
area = Math::PI * (distToDist ** 2)
play [circumference,circumference/2], decay: rrand(1,4)
sample [:ambi_drone,:elec_beep,:drum_splash_hard,:guit_em9].choose, beat_stretch: area / 80
sleep [0.5,1,1.5,2,4].choose
live_loop :pointing do
#random seeding based on time
use_random_seed (Time.now.to_i) /2
#pointX = the x value of the points
pointX = [dice(8)+3,dice(9)-5]
#pointY = the y value of the points
pointY = [rrand_i(-5,10),rrand_i(-10,20)]
#making the point to line using distance formula
Line_Distance = Math.sqrt((pointX[1] - pointX[0])**2 + (pointY[1] - pointY[0])**2)
#playing the sounds, the notes and pitch are based on the line made
with_fx :ping_pong do
use_synth [:piano,:prophet].choose
play Line_Distance, pitch: Line_Distance, rate: Line_Distance/2, amp: 7
sleep [0.25,0.5,0.75,1,1.5,2].choose
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