Team Collaboration in Github

3 min read

For Main account( Initial Configurations ) —-

Steps —-

1 - Create a Github Repo

2 - Open VS Code —(Make sure you have Git and Vs code in your system)

Enter these commands-

echo "# hello" >>

git init git add or git init git add .

git commit -m "first commit"

git branch -M main

git remote add origin<username>/<file>.git

git push -u origin main //if the origin is not a main , first create a main origin —

For creating main branch → git checkout -b main

To Check Branch —> git branch

If you create a new main branch , after that perform these commands -

git add .

git commit -m "Initial commit"

git remote add origin<username>/<file>.git

git push -u origin main

Finally , you had pushed your code —

Now beginning collaboration

For collaboration ,we will send a collaboration request to the team member(Github account)..

After accepting collaboration request ,new member is added in a project.

After that new member will able to push or pull in a github repo of main member account..

After that —

Only for collaborator (team member )(Part 1)

New member will setup the repository by using command..

git clone<main-member-account-name>/<file>.git

// In the code section in a github repo , you will get this above link

Never push your code to main branch , always create a new branch by using command-

git switch -C <branch-name>

Switched to a new branch <branch-name>

git branch →To check a branch .. Always check your branch before pushing your code

Suppose you make a change in a code , then how can you push ?

Follow the below steps —

git add .

git commit -m "<write changes>"

git push -u origin <branch name>

Now , your changes will pushed to branch and main member(merger) will merge the branch

Only for merger (Main person)

git branch //switch to the team member branch

git checkout <member-branch> //checkout the branch

git pull origin <member-branch> // pull files from member’s branch ,now the main person get all the source code

git switch main //Now switch to main

git merge <member-branch> //merge the branch with main branch

git push origin main // push to the main branch ,

Now the merger will see the changes in main branch in his github , but the collaborators want to pull the code from main branch to see the changes .

Only for collaborator (team member)(Part 2)

git switch main // switch to main branch

git fetch //fetch the files

git pull //pull the files

Thanks for reading this article ………….

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Hey , I am Ankit , a passionated FrontEnd / FullStack Developer having expertise in building responsive and user-friendly websites .