Corey Butler

Co-Founder @AuthorSoftware, 40K+ GitHub Stars

Member since December, 2020

About Me

I create code, communities, & companies. I'm the creator of NVM for Windows, Fenix Web Server, and many other open-source tools. I co-founded/co-organize Austin's most attended tech meetup, Bleeding Edge Web ( with 4K+ members. I'm a Top Writer on Quora, consistently in the top 5 for Node.js, JavaScript, and web topics. After 25+ years running enterprise IT consulting practices, I've shifted my focus to building software ventures. I founded Ecor Ventures to support a portfolio of tech startups, including my latest, Author Software Inc.

I am available for

Time & interest permitting, I am available for equitable/compensated advisory/board positions in software-based startups.


Self Starter

Self Starter

Earned on Dec 29, 2024

Recent Activity