Lessons from a Tech Lead


Benny and Rose are two software developers meeting for coffee to catch up on their careers. Benny recently transitioned out of a tech lead role, where he managed a complex project involving multiple technologies and leadership responsibilities.

Curious about his experience, Rose asks him about the challenges and insights he gained during his time as a tech lead. Their conversation explores Benny’s journey, his thoughts on leadership, and how it shaped his approach to development.



Rose: So, Benny, I heard you were a tech lead. What was that like?

Benny: It was a great learning experience. I managed a project with Angular, Node.js on AWS Lambda, MySQL, Redis, and ElasticSearch.

Rose: That’s quite a stack! What was the hardest part?

Benny: Balancing the technical work with leadership. Translating client requirements into tasks for the team took some practice.

Rose: Did you enjoy the leadership part?

Benny: Eventually, yeah. I especially liked code reviews—mentoring juniors and improving quality felt really rewarding.

Rose: How about working with the client?

Benny: It taught me how to manage expectations. Clients often think tech solutions happen overnight.

Rose: Do you think being a lead changed how you see development?

Benny: Definitely. I started thinking more about teamwork and long-term impact, not just the code.

Rose: Do you see yourself leading again?

Benny: Maybe, but right now I’m focused on tech. Leadership will always be an option if the right project comes along.

Rose: Sounds like you’re ready for whatever’s next.

Benny: Thanks, Rose. Maybe you’ll lead a team someday too!

Rose: We’ll see. Here’s to growth, Benny.

Benny: Cheers!


That's quite a

  • Definition: Used to express admiration or surprise about something notable or impressive.

  • Portuguese Translation: Isso é realmente um(a)...

  • Sample Sentences:

    1. "That’s quite a stack you worked with; it must’ve been challenging."

    2. "That’s quite a story! How did you handle it?"

I heard

  • Definition: A phrase used to introduce something someone else has told you or that you learned from a source.

  • Portuguese Translation: Eu ouvi / Fiquei sabendo.

  • Sample Sentences:

    1. "I heard you were promoted to tech lead—congratulations!"

    2. "I heard that project was really successful. How did it go?"

What was that like?

  • Definition: A question asking for a description or someone's experience of something.

  • Portuguese Translation: Como foi isso?

  • Sample Sentences:

    1. "You worked with a remote team for two years? What was that like?"

    2. "What was that like, managing both technical and leadership responsibilities?"

Client requirements

  • Definition: The needs or specifications outlined by a client that a project must fulfill.

  • Portuguese Translation: Requisitos do cliente.

  • Sample Sentences:

    1. "Understanding client requirements is essential for project success."

    2. "We spent hours clarifying the client requirements before starting development."

Take practice

  • Definition: To require repeated effort or experience to develop a skill.

  • Portuguese Translation: Exige prática.

  • Sample Sentences:

    1. "Translating client needs into tasks takes practice, but it gets easier."

    2. "Public speaking takes practice, especially if you’re not used to it."


  • Definition: Giving a sense of satisfaction or fulfillment.

  • Portuguese Translation: Gratificante.

  • Sample Sentences:

    1. "Mentoring junior developers was one of the most rewarding parts of my job."

    2. "It’s rewarding to see a project come together after months of effort."


  • Definition: At some later time; in the end.

  • Portuguese Translation: Eventualmente / Finalmente.

  • Sample Sentences:

    1. "Eventually, I started enjoying the leadership aspect of my role."

    2. "Don’t worry if it’s hard now—you’ll get the hang of it eventually."

Manage expectations

  • Definition: To help someone understand what can realistically be achieved to avoid disappointment.

  • Portuguese Translation: Gerenciar expectativas.

  • Sample Sentences:

    1. "Part of my job was to manage expectations with the client about deadlines."

    2. "It’s crucial to manage expectations when setting project goals."


  • Definition: Happening very quickly or in a very short time, often unrealistically so.

  • Portuguese Translation: Da noite para o dia.

  • Sample Sentences:

    1. "Clients often expect solutions to appear overnight, but that’s rarely the case."

    2. "Success doesn’t happen overnight; it takes effort and time."


  • Definition: The combined effort of a group to achieve a common goal.

  • Portuguese Translation: Trabalho em equipe.

  • Sample Sentences:

    1. "Good teamwork made this complex project a success."

    2. "Learning effective teamwork is essential in any leadership role."

Long-term impact

  • Definition: The effect or influence of something over an extended period.

  • Portuguese Translation: Impacto a longo prazo.

  • Sample Sentences:

    1. "As a tech lead, I focused on building features with a long-term impact."

    2. "The decision to use a scalable architecture will have a positive long-term impact."


  • Definition: A casual expression of good wishes or congratulations, often used in toasts.

  • Portuguese Translation: Saúde! / Um brinde!

  • Sample Sentences:

    1. "Cheers to a successful project and all the hard work!"

    2. "Let’s wrap up this meeting. Cheers, everyone!"

Come along

  • Definition: To appear, arrive, or become available; to accompany someone.

  • Portuguese Translation: Surgir / Acompanhar.

  • Sample Sentences:

    1. "I’ll take another leadership role when the right opportunity comes along."

    2. "Let me know if any interesting projects come along—I’d love to join."


Story telling

Role play

What was that like?client requirementstake practice
Eventuallymanage expectationcome along
overnightcheersLong-term impact
teamworkThat's quite a …I heard

Personal experience



Complete the sentences below using the vocabulary words: That’s quite a, I heard, What was that like?, client requirements, take practice, rewarding, eventually, manage expectations, overnight, teamwork, long-term impact, cheers, and come along.

  1. When you worked as a tech lead, __________________ leading a remote team?

  2. Developing effective __________________ is essential for completing large-scale projects successfully.

  3. "Wow, __________________ setup! Managing that must have been challenging."

  4. To meet __________________, it’s important to clarify their needs early in the process.

  5. Mentoring junior developers is incredibly __________________; seeing their growth is fulfilling.

  6. Translating business ideas into technical tasks can __________________, but it gets easier over time.

  7. Don’t expect success __________________; real progress takes consistent effort.

  8. I know the beginning is tough, but __________________, you’ll feel more confident in this role.

  9. Part of being a leader is learning how to __________________, especially with clients who expect quick results.

  10. The changes we’re making now will have a __________________ on our company’s future.

  11. __________________ you’ve taken on a new role recently. How are you liking it?

  12. When a better opportunity __________________, I’ll consider stepping back into a leadership role.

  13. We’ve worked so hard on this project—__________________, everyone!

  14. Joining the right team means finding people who truly value __________________ and collaboration.

Reading comprehension

  1. What are some of the technologies Benny worked with as a tech lead?

  2. What was the most challenging aspect of Benny’s role as a tech lead, according to him?

  3. How did Benny describe his experience working with clients?

  4. Why does Benny think being a tech lead changed his perspective on development?

  5. What is Benny focusing on in his career now, and how does he feel about taking on a leadership role again in the future?


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Using the new words/expressions you’ve learned.


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Written by

Alexandre Calaça
Alexandre Calaça

I'm a passionate software developer.