MSE-Optimal Quantizer Design for Gaussian Input Source

2 min read

In this article, we would explore how to design a quantizer for gaussian sources.

$$\tau_s = \frac{1}{\pi}\cdot \sum_{m}\phi_s(m)\cdot e^{j2\pi\theta}$$

# MSE Optimal Quantizer Design for Gaussian Source
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate

numQuantLevels = 32

# Define the parameters of the Gaussian source
sigma = 4.0
mu = 10.0

# Define the boundaries of the quantization regions
boundaries = np.zeros(numQuantLevels+1)
boundaries[0] = -np.inf
boundaries[-1] = np.inf
boundaries[1:-1] = np.linspace(-1.25 * sigma, 1.25 * sigma, numQuantLevels-1)
boundaries += mu

def compute_quant_level(start, end):
    # Computes the centroid of the quantization region
    if (start == -np.inf):
        start = -100

    if (end == np.inf):
        end = 100

    f_x = lambda x: x * (1/np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (sigma**2))) * np.exp(-((x - mu)**2) / (2 * (sigma**2)))
    p_x = lambda x: (1/np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (sigma**2))) * np.exp(-((x - mu)**2) / (2 * (sigma**2)))

    quant_level = integrate.quad(f_x, start, end)[0] / integrate.quad(p_x, start, end)[0]

    return quant_level

# Define the quantization levels
quantLevels = np.zeros(numQuantLevels)
for i in range(numQuantLevels):
    quantLevels[i] = compute_quant_level(boundaries[i], boundaries[i+1])

# We have initial quantization levels and boundaries. Now, we run the Lloyd-Max algorithm
# to find the optimal quantization levels that minimize the MSE.

# Testing performance of quantization
numSamples = 500000
# Generate samples from the Gaussian source for testing
samples = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, numSamples)

numIters = 30
for iter_n in range(numIters):
    for i in range(1, numQuantLevels):
        boundaries[i] = (quantLevels[i-1] + quantLevels[i]) / 2

    # Compute the quantization levels
    for i in range(numQuantLevels):
        quantLevels[i] = compute_quant_level(boundaries[i], boundaries[i+1])

    # Quantize the samples
    quantizedSamples = np.zeros(numSamples)
    for j in range(numQuantLevels):
        mask = (samples >= boundaries[j]) & (samples < boundaries[j+1])
        quantizedSamples[mask] = quantLevels[j]

    # Compute the MSE
    mse_t = np.mean((samples - quantizedSamples)**2)

    if iter_n == numIters-1:
        print(f"MSE: {mse_t} |  Quantization Levels: {quantLevels}")

This code works :D

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