In this article, we would explore how to design a quantizer for gaussian sources. $$\tau_s = \frac{1}{\pi}\cdot \sum_{m}\phi_s(m)\cdot e^{j2\pi\theta}$$# MSE Optimal Quantizer Design for Gaussian Source import numpy as np from scipy import integrate ...
Introduction During my years of working with digital signal processing, I've found the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to be both fascinating and challenging. While textbooks cover the mathematical theory well, they often miss the practical aspects of i...
Signal processing is the enabling technology for the generation, transformation, extraction, and interpretation of information. It comprises the theory, algorithms with associated architectures and implementations. Visit online to lean more!
Random Process In this post I'll try to convince you that I am not insane for my enthusiasm for the idea of random process ( even though I was introduced to the idea today ) since this is modelling of data blew my mind on how visually rich it was. Th...
Signal processing is an important field in engineering and programming. Basically, it allows engineers and programmers to improve data so that people can use it more effectively. For example, it is thanks to signal processing that much of the backgr...
By Milan Mimica The impedance mismatch between data processing components It all starts with the simplest signal-processing diagram ever: Component A is passing the signal to component B. Let’s switch to software engineering jargon immediately: A p...