1. Basics Search an element Ceil of an element Floor of an element Insert an element Delete an element 2. Medium Find K-th smallest/largest element in BST Check if a tree is a BST or BT LCA in Binary Search Tree Construct a BST from a pre...
1. Tree Traversal Techniques Inorder Traversal (Recursive, Iterative) Preorder Traversal (Recursive, Iterative) Postorder Traversal (Recursive, Iterative) Level Order Traversal (BFS Approach) Zigzag Level Order Traversal Boundary Traversal of B...
Welcome to Day 20 of my 100 Days of DSA challenge! Today, I solved five problems focused on basics of binary trees. Here's a quick look at the questions I tackled and how I approached them 🤖✨ Check out my GitHub repository for all my solutions and p...
Introduction Binary Search Trees (BSTs) are a specialized form of binary trees designed to optimize the searching process. While a standard binary tree offers no inherent structure to facilitate faster lookups, BSTs introduce a pivotal property: for...
In computer science, trees are a fundamental non-linear data structure composed of nodes connected by edges. A tree is a hierarchical model that represents a collection of elements, each of which can have a number of children but only one parent (exc...
Introduction A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a data structure that maintains sorted data in a way that allows for efficient insertion, deletion, and lookup operations. Each node in a BST has the following properties: Node: Contains a value (data). Le...
Binary search trees (BSTs) are a fundamental data structure commonly used in computer science, offering several advantages over traditional and linked lists. Unlike linear structures, BSTs provide logarithmic time complexity for critical operations, ...
class Solution { public boolean isValid(TreeNode root, long minLimit, long maxLimit){ if(root == null) return true; if(root.val <= minLimit || root.val >= maxLimit) return false; return (isValid(root.left, minLimit, root....
Introduction : Binary Search Trees (BSTs) are foundational data structures in the realm of computer science, celebrated for their efficient search, insertion, and deletion operations. Their elegant design leverages a hierarchical arrangement of nodes...
Welcome back to my blog, dear readers! Today, I'm stepping into the realm of Java and diving into Binary Search Trees (BSTs). Whether you're a seasoned Java developer or someone just getting started, I hope you'll find this exploration both informati...