Many coding problems in interviews are variations of common problem patterns. Recognizing these patterns and their solutions can help you solve many problems efficiently. Below is a breakdown of common problem categories similar to Two Sum and their ...
목표 : HashSet의 내부 동작 방식과 중복 제거 메커니즘, HashSet이 효율적인 중복 체크를 할 수 있는 이유 확인하기. 사진 출처 : 김영한의 JAVA 중급 과정 1️⃣HashSet ? Set은 중복을 허용하지 않는다. Hash는 (인덱스값=값) 인덱스만 찾으면 값을 찾을 수 있기 때문에 O(1)성능을 가진다. 하지만 9999숫자 데이터가 들어오면 9999개의 인덱스가 필요하다.메모리 낭비가 심하게 발생한다. 이를 해결하기 위해 H...
Imagine you're in a busy kitchen, using different tools to prepare a meal—this is similar to the Java Collections Framework. It provides a set of classes and interfaces to store, manage, and retrieve data in your programs. Just like you have differen...
The Java Collections Framework (JCF) is an important part of Java that provides classes and interfaces to work with objects in a collection. Understanding collections is important for all undergraduate students who want to write code that is both eff...
A HashSet in Java is a part of the Java Collections Framework and provides a way to store unique elements. It is part of the java.util package and implements the Set interface. The HashSet class does not allow duplicate elements, allows at most one n...
Set Properties Collection of Objects, but it does not contain duplicate value (only one 'null' value you can insert) Unlike List, Set is not an Ordered collection, means objects inside set does not follow the insertion order. Unlike List, Set cann...
Given two integer arrays nums1 and nums2, sorted in non-decreasing order, return the minimum integer common to both arrays. If there is no common integer amongst nums1 and nums2, return -1. Note that an integer is said to be common to nums1 and nums2...
Given the head of a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null. There is a cycle in a linked list if there is some node in the list that can be reached again by continuously following the next pointer. Inte...
In the previous article, we learned what a HashSet is and its different methods. In this article, we are going to learn about the internal implementations of a HashSet in Java. In order to learn any implementation in Java, it is essential to go throu...
HashSet and HashMap are both data structures used in Java for storing and managing collections of elements, but they serve different purposes and have different characteristics: HashSet: HashSet is a collection that stores unique elements. It does ...