I wasn’t the kind of girl who knew much about Allah Ta’ala, and I didn’t have strong trust in Him before. As I grew up, especially during my university years, my faith was truly tested. One incident, in particular, stood out to me. A Little Story whi...
In today’s hyperconnected world, social media serves as a bridge, linking people across geographies, cultures, and beliefs. However, mainstream platforms often fall short in meeting the unique needs of specific communities — and for Muslims, this gap...
I first began to doubt the historical validity of Mecca when reading the works of Dan Gibson, an archaeologist who grew up in the Middle East. By the Jordanian Government's authority, he was tasked with researching and producing a historical report o...
In an era where indie development apps are so common, finding one that truly resonates with my individual growth journey and my beliefs can be daunting. Enter Fitrah, a beacon of innovation in a sea of uniformity. Today, I'm excited to peel back the ...
Introduction: In the pursuit of understanding true worship, it is essential to grasp the profound connection between daily life and devotion to Allah's law. Worship, in its purest form, extends beyond traditional acts like prayer, fasting, and Hajj. ...
I just finished reading "Deep Work" by Cal Newport, one of the top self-help books of our era. This book felt like a compass guiding me through the many distractions I face every day. In my quest to be more productive as I age along with a long yearn...
Muslims believe that the beginning of human beings came from Hazrat Adam, may peace be upon him, and that is why he is called Abu al-Bashar, meaning the father of mankind. And the origin of humanity from Hazrat Adam, peace be upon him, is proven by a...
Bismillah, Asalaam Aleykum brothers and sisters. I hope you have been well, I know I have Alhamdullilah. In the previous article, I discussed how I'll be working on a Portfolio App for showcasing my skills as a Developer. Well, I started that this mo...