The this keyword in JavaScript refers to the object that is currently executing the function. The value of this depends on how the function is called and can refer to different objects in different contexts. Behavior of this in Different Contexts: G...
JavaScript is an important language when it comes to programming. It is used for creating interactive web pages and dynamic web applications. It has been around since 1995 and has since become one of the most popular programming languages in the worl...
When I started learning this particular topic it messed with my head, although that happens most of the time while trying to learn something new🙈. I'm sure many of us have heard about the word Closure in JavaScript but know something and understandi...
In JavaScript 3 types Scope is available. Global Scope. Block Scope. Functional Scope. 1. Global Scope : In a browser, global scope is the window object. In Node.js, global object represents the global scope. To add something in global scope, yo...
Admin meets Frontend … oder was „JavaScript“ und „Shell-Script“ gemeinsam haben. Zu beginn muss ich zugeben, dass ich bei meinen ersten Skripten auch nicht auf den Sichtbarkeitsbereich von Variablen ([Scope](