I found the below code snippet in packages/scan/core/index.ts in react-scan source code. const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); In this article, you will learn What is DocumentFragment? How is DocumentFragment used in react-scan? cre...
In this article, we analyze how Preact is used in react-scan source code. What is Preact? Preact is a fast 3kB alternative to React with the same modern API. There is a Preact tutorial available. Preact’s Goals Preact aims to deliver on a few key g...
In this article, we analyze how the options you pass into scan function are validated. Options In the example provided in react-scan repository, you will find this below code in aidenybai/react-scan/examples/sierpinski/src/index.jsx. ... import { sc...
I found DOMParser in react-scan source code as shown below. const iconSprite = new DOMParser().parseFromString( ICONS, 'image/svg+xml', ).documentElement; This picked from line 54 in packages/scan/src/core/index.ts. In this article, we und...
I found an import from “bippy” in react-scan source code. I wanted to find out what this is about. In this article, you will understand the below concepts What is react-scan? What is Bippy? How did I find this package? What is react-scan? react-...